Boldness Vs Arrogance

edited December 1969 in Faith Issues
I think this is a good topic.. contrast the boldness Christians are to have in Christ vs the arrogance of the world if that question even makes sense.


  • what do u mean by boldness?
  • like speaking without any inhibition maybe?
    I mean what St Paul means by boldness? what is christian boldness like?
  • bold- not being afraid.. tellin it how it should be sed

    arrogance- too bold.. thinking ur always rite... ur way or no way
  • I am gonna try to exaplin this...but i think by boldness of christians, it's just means to tell people the truth and the right way no matter how they look at you, because in front of God, you are leading them in the right path even if they made fun of you or perscuted you or whatever, kinda of like St. John the Baptist...and how he taught the right teachings...even thou at the end, it led him to be beheaded...but he still didn't stop his teachings and his right beliefes.
    Compare to arrogance in the world, where people might go on and on about something, and they want u to believe on it, and they don't look any other way or accept any other way exepet for only their ways.
    Boldness in christianity is done with humility and humblness, but arrogance is done with selfishness
  • Thanx very nice replies I think.
  • Sticking to one's beliefs and being consistent when presenting them is not arrogance, it's being stubborn, which is not always wrong. Arrogance is thinking you are better than everyone by constantly judging those around you. Now being bold, that is a totally different story. We are told to fear nothing or no one but God himself. Then martyrs were bold and stubborn. They did not see, yet believed and stuck to their beliefs regardless. Just my humble opinion. Please correct me if you think I stated something that is incorrect.
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