I am in need of everyone's prayer, no matter how small it is, I believe in the power of prayer.
I have alot of things going on from college work to stress to the worriness over getting accept to a better college to try and keep the sanity I have left so I can finish school.
Pray for me please,
yalla take care
God be with you lol, don't be scared or worried from anything, God is with you and will sort out everything for you, so don't worryyy
yalla take care
i totally agree with baladoos. just keep that in mind, and beleive that God is with you all the time and is there for you more than anywone else is. your in my prayers
God Bless
When you feel you are weak, and stuck, what do you do?
When you are stressing out, what do you do?
When you can't descide what do you do?
When you don't know how you feel based on something that is happening what do you do?
When you break a promise you made to someone, and let them down what do you do?
Someone plz answer these questions for me!
I am confused, lost, and stuck.
I would greatly appriciate it if someone would answer me!
Thanks and pray for me,
hope i helped, pray for me