Does anyone have TBN? Pope Shenouda was on a few weeks ago. He was interviewed by the founder of the channel. It was a short, but great interview. From his responses you can tell he is very wise and full of the Holy Spirit. It really struck me at the end the interviewer said that Pope Shenouda has an “apostolic look” or reminds him of an apostle......... which is true... We are an apostolic church.
;D ;D
Benny Hinn is non-denominational but his theology is pentecostal and evangelical.He works with many different christian groups including catholic and orthodox.When he was young he lived in the middle east and was influenced by catholic nuns{he went to a catholic school},later he was greatly influenced by the charismatic movement and patterned his ministry after that of the great healing evangelist Katherine Kulman.He conducts crusades around the world and works closely with TBN Ministries{the non-denominational television ministry that featured your Pope and other Orthodox leaders}.
Some people think Orthodox and catholic monks who live on top of pillers,or in trees{yes its true,some monks lived inside trees,until they died}are just plain crazy!Not holy men,but strange,uncouth,nuts.I think God is the only one who can judge for sure! If I were you I would be careful about judging people and calling them nuts,since the ones you refer to{Benny Hinn and Jan Crouch}have done far,far more for the glory of Jesus Christ and His kingdom than you will probably ever do.Countless people have believed in Jesus Christ{millions in fact},and untold numbers have recieved food,shelter,and other good things because of the love shown by these kind people.It is a very dangerous thing to speak ill of the servants of God!