hey coptic avenger are u saying the book do u mean christians who follow the bible? if so would u happen to know where it is in the quran. Thanks alot God bless you all
If anyone can.... can they clarify what the quran says about christians. Sorry for my lack of knowldge, i never cared to read the quran, but at the same time i like to defend my Christian faith aganist those who persecute it, so iam just trying to…
Well Marys if such verses exist u can fight back and say how come the quran contradicts. By doing so u can question which soura to believe. In that case u will put them in an ackward position b/c u have just proved that the quran has errors, and do…
Hey SMS thanks alot for ur detailed answer, it really helped and thanks for the quran verses to back it up. Now i can use them as reference. God bless you
Hey yall, i always read ppl's comments but i never respond, but this time i had too. As i read most of the feedbacks i realized how blessed we are to be christians and moreover how we as copts accept others that are not copts yet are christians. J…