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  • I agree i live across the hall from an orthodox christian and my mom doesnt let me sleep there an i never even dared askin cuz i no the answer my mom also doesnt like me goin to ppls houses much either
  • guys I wanted to wish u guy all the best of luck!!I hope that the best church wins. Im with bayonne and i have Life of St. Anthony
  • even if bush is not goin to support gay marriages it is not the governments place to put religion into our country, it wont be so great if it was another religion he was supportin. I think u should look at the whole picture. lets say he doesnt suppo…
  • i can see that almost everyone here wants bush and i too was the same way until a friend of mine made me watch farenhiet 911, you probably never new this but bush workes with the bin laden family and that's how he made his money, then i watched anot…
  • Hey Guys this is Mariam, thanks for all your help i really really appriciate it. hos irof i just wanted to ask one question, for Luke 1:49, like i said before i have protestant altered Bibles and thats one of the verses that they altered... i was wo…
  • OH NO BERGEN! lol BaYoNne'S the best!
  • hi i no how u feel i been the same thin and i tried everythin. the only thin i can tell u is to ignore the ppl and as long as u no its not tru then ur fine. it should go in one ear and out the other and if ur worryin about ur freinds if they were re…
  • i dont think it matters by age. i think it matters on maturity. the only way i think that ull no is if gods is in the relationship and it does not harm god and the time u praise him. u should always cunsult your father of confsion and tell him how …
  • i think that each person has a choice on what they want to do and they should pick an occupation that wont obay gots commanment. the only reason i think its okay is when its not ur choice like sometimes when ppl take money fro the goverment for coll…
  • iriny, i think if it really bothers you that much u should tell the person u lied to them for now on and that whatever you remeber you you should do that to. but dont beat yourself up trying to rember everything scince you forgot its not your fault.…
  • i think it is wrong beacuz it wasnt wrote for boyfreds and girlfreinds but for love towards god and if ur gonna do somethin that god said notto then use his words to express it then thats wrong. i hope that helped.
  • ;Dim entering too!!! Ithink we should go with the idea of wearing a tag with on it beacause we will never be at the same place at the same times and some people wont be able to show up and will miss out on it.