Psali Adam :: إبصالية أدآم


I've believed in You O God, forgive my iniquities, for the sake of Your Mother, and the great St. Abba Mina.
Help us O Lord, and fill us with Your gift, for the sake of the martyr, St. Abba Mina.

All the believers have gathered, in praise on the feast, of the martyr, St. Abba Mina.
O David come into our midst, so we can chant and sing, the honor of the saint, the great Abba Mina.

Have mercy upon us, through the intercessions of St. Mary, and the pure Michael, and St. Abba Mina.
Plentiful indeed, are his miracles, that he wrought at his place, the strong Abba Mina.

He has been exalted, for his virginity, and his sublime struggle, St. Abba Mina.
Rejoice in exultation! For we are favored, on the feast of the strong, St. Abba Mina.

Jesus Christ the philanthropic One, the incarnate Word, crowned the strong, St. Abba Mina.
O Lord Jesus Christ, deliver us from all evil, for the sake of the martyr, St. Abba Mina.

Chant O believers, with glorifications saying, "Hail to the martyr, St. Abba Mina!"
Grant us Your peace, and Your inheritance, for the sake of the patience, of St. Abba Mina.

Answer us and have mercy upon us, grant us wisdom for the sake of the great fighter, St. Abba Mina.
Blessed are You, O Christ the Son of Mary, do accept us unto You, for the sake of St. Abba Mina.

Great is your honor, for your virginity's sake, O vanquisher, St. Abba Mina.
O Master, scatter the enemies of the Church, O Physician, for the sake of St. Abba Mina.

Rejoice! O you children of the Church, on the feast of the strong, St. Abba Mina.
Bless the Lord our God, with glorifications, in the name of the great Abba Mina.

The meaning of your name, on all believers' lips, is "O Christ our Lord, have mercy upon us, for the sake of Mina!"
O Son of God, grant us the Christian perfection, for the sake of Your Mother, and the name of the martyr Abba Mina.

O compassionate God, forgive us our sins, for the sake of Your Mother the Bride, and St. Abba Mina.
Hail to the Virgin, St. Mary, hail to the martyr, St. Abba Mina.

O Christ, repose the souls of our fathers, for the sake of the Mother of God, and the hero Abba Mina.
O Lord remember Your servant, with the believers, for the sake of the New Heaven, and the martyr Mina.