St. Roweis (Teji) :: Ⲁⲕⲉⲙⲡ̀ϣⲁ ⲅⲁⲣ ⲁⲗⲏⲑⲱⲥ


For you truly were worthy, to be lifted up by the angels, to the heavenly Jerusalem, Abba Roweis the beholder of God.

Ⲁⲕⲉⲙⲡ̀ϣⲁ ⲅⲁⲣ ⲁⲗⲏⲑⲱⲥ: ⲉ̀ⲧⲁⲩⲱ̀ⲗⲓ ⲙ̀ⲙⲟⲕ ⲛ̀ϫⲉ ⲛⲓⲁ̀ⲅⲅⲉⲗⲟⲥ: ⲉ̀ϧⲟⲩⲛ ⲉ̀Ⲓⲉⲣⲟⲩⲥⲁⲗⲏⲙ ⲛ̀ⲧⲉ ⲧ̀ⲫⲉ: ⲁⲃⲃⲁ Ⲧⲉϫⲓ ⲑⲉⲟⲫⲁⲛⲓⲟⲥ.

لأنك مستحق بالحقيقة يامن حملتك الملائكة داخل أورشليم السمائية. ياأنبا فريج ناظر الاله.

+ Because of your many pains, you made to your body, so that your soul may be, an altar for the Holy Spirit.

+ Ⲉⲑⲃⲉ ⲡ̀ⲁ̀ϣⲁⲓ ⲛ̀ⲧⲉⲛⲓϧⲓⲥⲓ: ⲉ̀ⲧⲁⲕⲓ̀ⲣⲓ ⲙ̀ⲙⲱⲟⲩ ϧⲉⲛ ⲡⲉⲕⲥⲱⲙⲁ: ϣⲁⲛ̀ⲧⲉⲥϣⲱⲡⲓ ⲛ̀ϫⲉ ⲧⲉⲕⲯⲩⲭⲏ: ⲛ̀ⲟⲩⲉⲣⲫⲉⲓ ⲛ̀ⲧⲉ ⲡⲓⲠ̀ⲛⲉⲩⲙⲁ ⲉ̅ⲑ̅ⲩ̅.

لأجل كثرة أتعابك التى قاسيتها فى جسدك حتى صارت نفسك هيكلا للروح القدس.

Your holy name has spread, throughout the lands of Egypt, because of the signs and wonders, the Lord performed through you.

Ⲥⲱⲣ ⲉ̀ⲃⲟⲗ ⲛ̀ϫⲉ ⲡⲉⲕⲣⲁⲛ ⲉ̅ⲑ̅ⲩ̅: ϧⲉⲛ ⲛⲓⲑⲱϣ ⲛ̀ⲧⲉ ⲛⲓⲭⲱⲣⲁ ⲛ̀Ⲭⲏⲙⲓ: ⲉⲑⲃⲉ ⲛⲓⲙⲏⲓⲛⲓ ⲛⲉⲙ ϩⲁⲛϣ̀ⲫⲏⲣⲓ: ⲉ̀ⲧⲉ Ⲫϯ ⲁⲓⲧⲟⲩ ϩⲓⲧⲟⲧⲕ.

ذاع اسمك الطاهر فى حدود اقليم مصر من أجل الآيات والعجائب التى أجراها الله على يديك.

+ Your holy footprints, have witnessed your wonders to us, which you performed in the land of Egypt, through the power of Christ.

+ Ⲧⲁⲧⲥⲓ ⲛ̀ⲛⲉⲕϭⲁⲗⲁⲩϫ ⲉ̅ⲑ̅ⲩ̅: ⲁⲥⲉⲣⲙⲉⲑⲣⲉ ⲛⲁⲛ ϧⲉⲛ ⲛⲉⲕϣ̀ⲫⲏⲣⲓ: ⲉ̀ⲧⲁⲕⲓ̀ⲣⲓ ⲙ̀ⲙⲱⲟⲩ ϧⲉⲛ ⲧ̀ⲭⲱⲣⲁ ⲛ̀ⲭⲏⲙⲓ: ϧⲉⲛ ⲧ̀ϫⲟⲙ ⲛ̀ⲧⲉ Ⲡⲭ̅ⲥ̅.

خطوات قدميك المقدسة تشهد لنا بعجائبك التى أجريتها فى اقليم مصر بقوة المسيح.

For the light of your body, has enlightened our bodies, and your holy soul, prays on behalf of our souls.

Ⲟⲩⲱⲓⲛⲓ ⲅⲁⲣ ⲛ̀ⲧⲉ ⲡⲉⲕⲥⲱⲙⲁ: ϣⲁϥⲉ̀ⲣⲟⲩⲱⲓⲛⲓ ⲛ̀ϫⲉ ⲛⲉⲛⲥⲱⲙⲁ: ⲟⲩⲟϩ ⲧⲉⲕⲩⲭⲏ ⲉ̅ⲑ̅ⲩ̅: ⲉⲥⲧⲱⲃϩ ⲉ̀ϩ̀ⲣⲏⲓ ⲉ̀ϫⲉⲛ ⲛⲉⲛⲩⲭⲏ.

لأن نور جسدك يضىء أجسادنا ونفسك الطاهرة تطلب عن أنفسنا.

+ Your life is a wonder, and your fighting is great, your glory was greatly exalted, in the midst of the ascetics.

Ⲡⲉⲕⲃⲓⲟⲥ ⲟⲩϣ̀ⲫⲏⲣⲓ ⲧⲉ: ⲡⲉⲕⲁ̀ⲅⲱⲛ ⲟⲩⲛⲓϣϯ ⲡⲉ ⲡⲉⲕⲱ̀ⲟⲩ: ϥ̀ϭⲓⲥⲓ ⲉ̀ⲙⲁϣⲱ: ϧⲉⲛ ⲑ̀ⲙⲏϯ ⲛ̀ⲛⲓⲁ̀ⲥⲕⲏⲧⲏⲥ.

سيرة حياتك عجيبة وجهادك عظيم ومجدك مرتفع جدا فى وسط النساك.

Blessed are you indeed, O our righteous holy father, Abba Roweis the Beholder of God, the Beloved of Christ.

Ⲱⲟⲩⲛⲓⲁⲧⲕ ϧⲉⲛ ⲟⲩⲙⲉⲑⲙⲏⲓ: ⲡⲉⲛⲓⲱⲧ ⲉ̅ⲑ̅ⲩ̅ ⲛ̀ⲇⲓⲕⲉⲟⲥ: ⲁⲃⲃⲁ Ⲧⲉϫⲓ ⲑⲉⲟⲫⲁⲛⲓⲟⲥ: ⲡⲓⲙⲉⲛⲣⲓⲧ ⲛ̀ⲧⲉ Ⲡⲭ̅ⲥ̅.

طوباك بالحقيقة ياأبانا القديس البار أنبا فريج ناظر الاله حبيب المسيح.

+ Pray to the Lord on our behalf, O our righteous holy father, Abba Roweis the beholder of God, that He may forgive us our sins.

Ⲧⲟⲃϩ ⲙ̀Ⲡⲟ̅ⲥ̅ ⲉ̀ϩ̀ⲣⲏⲓ ⲉ̀ⲅⲱⲛ: ⲡⲉⲛⲓⲱⲧ ⲉ̅ⲑ̅ⲩ̅ ⲛ̀ⲇⲓⲕⲉⲟⲥ: ⲁⲃⲃⲁ Ⲧⲉϫⲓ ⲑⲉⲟⲫⲁⲛⲓⲟⲥ: ⲛ̀ⲧⲉϥ ⲭⲁ ⲛⲉⲛⲛⲟⲃⲓ ⲛⲁⲛ ⲉ̀ⲃⲟⲗ.

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