Holding The Cross And Candle Before/During Communion...

edited December 1969 in Coptic Orthodox Church
Hey everybody

I was wondering if someone can tell me about what to do when holding the candle, the veil, and the cross before and during communion.

Like are the people holding them supposed to walk in front of Abouna, facing the Holy Sacrements, or behind Abouna, I heard both

On which side are you supposed to stand next to Abouna as he distributes the Holy Body (right side or left side ??)

Any other things like that would help alot :)

Thanks Guys

God Bless You !


  • I was wondering if someone can tell me about what to do when holding the candle, the veil, and the cross before and during communion.

    Before receiving communion:
    Stand on left of the altar (left of the priest) till receiving communion.

    After receiving Communion:
    Stand behind the priest with your face toward the east while the deacons are receiving communion at the main altar.

    Like are the people holding them supposed to walk in front of Abouna, facing the Holy Sacrements, or behind Abouna, I heard both

    In front of Abouna

  • My priest wants me to walk behind, but another who visits when my priest isn't there wants me to walk in front. Walking In front I think is the correct way. Also after he has prepared the bread and has the wine, we go once around the alter and when it's the womens turn we go around the alter again.
  • You should be walking before the priest.  Your priest, by having you walk behind him, is trying to avoid a disaster or burning in a general sense.  The candle-bearer is to lead the way for the Lamb.
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