hi every body this is nice story about fr beshoy kamel I know it's arabic sory i will try to translate it soon
god bless pray for me.
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Thanx for the story.
These are stories about Abouna Pishoi Kamel and childrenþ:þ
1) þOne day, Abouna walked into the church playground and found one of the ýkids upset. He (abouna) went to him and asked him "what is bothering you?" ýthe kid replied, "This person cursed me out" Abouna hugged him and told ýhim, " Lucky you, just like Christþ"þ
þ2) one day, abouna went to visit one of the families and started talking with ýone of the kids in that family (who later became a priest) The conversation ýwent as followsþ:þ
Abouna: Are you Naughtyþ?þ
Child: No I am not
Abouna: Do you bother your brothers and sistersþ?þ
Child: No
Abouna: Do you hit themþ?þ
Child: No
Abouna: You are great because when I was your age I was very mischievous ýýand used to bother my brothers and sisters and hit themþ.þ
Child: Me too
(þI guess the point of the story was to get the child to confess, but that is just ýmy inputþ)
3) þOne of the servants says that he was riding next to abouna in his ýý(abouna's) car in one of the side streets. He started slowing down and a ýyoung child probably under 10 years, who was not Christian, saw him and ýsaid "This is a HUGE beard for a priest" (Meant in a sarcastic way). Abouna ýreplied back, with a smile on his face "you should see Abouna Matthews ýbeard, what will you say then?" (Meant for humilityþ)
4) þOne time, a child in grammar school came to him and he (the child) upset ýand started complaining that one of his colleagues in school told him that ýduring the month of Ramadan (fasting time for Muslims) and around the ýtime of breakfast (around 5 or 6 pm) no one is in the street. That means that ýyou Christians are existent. So abouna started to calm the kid down and ýasked him " did you answer him? and what did you tell him?" The kid ýanswered " I didn't say anything but I am very upset." Abouna responded ýsaying, " If he says that to you again simple answer him saying that we have ýhomes and we don't wonder around the streets all day and nightþ" þ
May the Prayers of Abouna Pishoi Kamel be with us and Glory be to God ýforever... Amen
I am sorry if I miss translated or misinterpreted anything, feel free to fix ýwhatever I missedýþ.þ
Good job.
God bless pray for me.
thanks for the story, its quite nice...
and thanks Coptic Boy for the translation :) ... its quite accurate as far as im concerned! good job ;)
take care and God bless
and thanx a bunch coptic boy hehe arabic gives me the creeps :) nar jkz
thnx agen both u guys