simple and practical ways to give witness to Christ and evangelize day to day?

edited December 1969 in Faith Issues
Ya, What are they??
As Christians we are gicen the responsibilty to:
"Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation" (Mk 16.15) and to "go and make disciples of all nations" (mt 28.19).

So what are som simple and practical ways to Give witness to Christ and evangelize in our day to day lives??

Thanks and God Bless!!


  • PPL have to notice that you're christian by your christian behaviour...they will see that ure a peaceful person and love to talk to you...then they'll find out the reason of u being a great person, and you will get the chance to tell them bout God and the Bible etc. It always starts with behaviour.

    there are many verses bout this topic actually...anyone??

  • well just being yourself and using your gifts God gave you are good ways to witness to others. Like say u are gifted in music, you use it for God's glory.. and then people come up to you and ask you about ur music, and then that would be a good opportunity to witness.

    just an idea..

    GBU :)

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