2. At Saint George Sporting
a. Father Pishoy made a striking decision when first building the Church of Saint George, that he hired a Muslim artist to paint the Christ in Glory on the eastern wall of the sanctuary and the images of the four evangelists on the dome of the church.
b. Father Pishoy said a great artist was needed to do this work and he would not discriminate against a Muslim if he were the best qualified in Alexandria at that time.
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I think I would probably maybe discriminate against muslims in this case (?).. so that was maybe a surprise to me... Do you think what he did is right?
Would God help a Christian who follows Him paint well?
What if someone needed someone to draw Christ.. would christians be able to draw Christ better because maybe they have a better sense of what Christ should look like?
fr bishoy kamel was known and is still remembered today for his great acts of kindness.
this issue that youve stated is probably of a minor concern to him at that time, if not, he wouldt have considered that a muslim man couldnt do the job
what happened to love your enemies??