Hey everybody,
When I was in church today during the Liturgy for Palm Sunday, a question popped into my head. What's so special about this day that they made it one of the seven major feasts? Every major feast has something to do directly with our salvation, but I don't see what Palm Sunday has to do with our salvation. All Jesus did was enter Jerusalem. What does this have to do with our salvation, and what is so important about it that it is one of the seven major feasts?
Also, I have another question. Why did the people in Jerusalem accept Jesus in that manner on that day? Was that the first time Jesus entered Jerusalem, and so that 's why everyone was so excited?
Thanks and God bless
Good luck with finding out the answers to your other questions..
Rabana Maak wa Christos Anesty!!
For your first question, beside that the Jews finally seeing the Lord as the Messiah, it has a much bigger symbol to us, and that jesus is entering our Jerusalem (our heart), and it's our choice to accept him to be King over our heart or not. And this is related to our Salvation in the way that if you accept Him in your heart, he can save you, which later happens when He was crucified and which will later happen when we experience the same thing on Good Friday.
To the second question, when jesus entered Jerusalem, he entered as the King of Kings, but what the Jews were actually after is a materialistic king who could free them from the Romans. They haven't found the materialistic part of him, and later the same people who were crying Hoasana when He entered Jerusalem, were now crying crucify Him only 5 days later.
Coptic Servent