pentecost tasbeha

edited December 1969 in Hymns Discussion
During the Apostoles fast, do we say any extra doxologies during the asheya and/or tasbeha on Saturday nights? Do we start singing Ainahte ( Virgin epsail)? Any changes?

plzz p4m sister in Christ


  • Not that i know of
  • the pentecost tasbeha is over, it was last night. This is just another annual tasbeha from now on except saturday nights (sunday midnight praises) we add the hymn of the resurrection and nim gar. The doxologies are as usually, most churches during the apostles fast will sing the doxologies of St. Mark and the Apostles, but i guess that depends on ur church
  • the only thing i think u say tht kinda has to w/ pentecost is Asomen
  • the only addition i can think of is maybe the 2nd doxology of the apostles....can be found on the text library.

    in liturgy....u'd have a-somen and ondos before the catholic
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