We hear many horror stories about how Muslims did this to some christians, or the Catholic Church announced this, or this country legalized homosexuality, or these people stopped fasting or any other horror story about an attack against our orthodox faith.
It says in the old testament, that when the jews were about to go to war, they cried and moaned to God and God answered them (eg. Samuel, Judith, Judges).
Is this what we should do? OR...................should we be unaffected by these kind of stories. Meaning, should a person be unaffected because of his unbreakable faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. It is not that he does care about those christians who are suffering, etc. But rather, he has full confidence in the success of the church and so he does not get scared of anything.
But, if its right not to get scared, were thos Jews in the old testament of weak faith? Didn't God hear their prayers?
So whcih is right:
1.) Cry to God in anguish (see story of Judith)
2.) Pay no attention in it because "the gates of Hades shall not prevail"
It’s a mix of one and two!
Pay no attention if it will affect your faith. Some people are really good, and can change your mind because they are experienced with such debates!
Pay attention when you're a hundred percent strong in your faith! if you are strong in your faith, and only when you're strong in your faith, and if God gives you a situation in which you can glorify His name, then by all means do it... but again when you know your faith, and assured a hundred percent that it’s a situation for you sent by God, for His glory, then by all means go for it!
Cry to God in anguish at all time, at time of peace, at time of war, at time of relaxation at time of work, etc... Cry to God for all, and yourself!
Akhdna el Baraka… neshkor allah!
defending faith, lest the poison of their shameful words
affect you.
From St Isaiah of Eskeety. A famous saint I think of the 4th century. I think he was an abbot.