How do we fill our hearts with Christ?

edited December 1969 in Faith Issues
My question is, How do we fill our hearts with Christ. I don't i have mine filled with Christ.

Pray for me


  • One means, among many, is to start praying the Jesus Prayer regularly.

    If you are able to pray this prayer for periods through the day then it becomes habitual, as God wills, and the name of Christ begins to remain with you at all times. It requires effort though to give the prayer attention so that you are truly seeking to stand in the presence of Christ at all times.

    To fill your heart with Christ you must be present to Christ.

    But Bible reading, the reading of the works of the Fathers, praying the Agpeya, participating in Church services, are also all necessary means for learning to stand before Christ in your heart.

    God bless your efforts

    Father Peter
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