Fr. Makari Younan & Excorcism

edited December 1969 in Faith Issues

I was wondering if anyone here had seen the CTV or AlHAyat footage of Fr. Makari Younan exorcising people with demons and evil spirits?

I was looking at it and then it just occurred to me: What is the probability of all these people with evil spirits living in the same area and going to that Church? I mean, did it occur to anyone to check the drinking water in that area?

How can ONE area so small have so many people with evil spirits/demons? There's more people with evil spirits in Brixton and Streatham and they don't behave that way.

WHat do u all think?


  • Couldn't they all have just been brought to him from other places?
  • Fr Makari has a god given talent and god has blessed him in many many ways.  people come to his church for his meetings for all over the world and becuz of the faith that he and his congregation has miracles happen. Last week i saw a group of asian ppl there and he was asking them if they understood. GOd Bless his service
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