There really isn't a set curriculum, but something to follow is just finish EVERYTHING annual(liturgy..vespers/matins..vesper praise...midnight praise), then move on to another season, like Kiahk or lent or w/e. Just stay consistent, don't jump around.
the key is to master everything annual, then move to other variations. if there is an event coming up (like kiahk), take a break and learn some kiahk hymns, and when kiahk is over, go back to annual. once youve got annual down, just learn for what is coming up.
Clarify alittle about what u mean
Aydan Fal Nashkor Allah!
A order of how to learn alhan.
like in my church in egypt they teach annual hymns for a year
then they teach kiahk for a year
and so on...
sorry not really sure how to better explain that