Living alone...

edited January 2010 in Faith Issues
Yeah, I'll be living alone in Egypt  :o for a month or so until school starts next semester. So since I'll be alone and have more time to myself, I'm thinking its time for some spiritual rejuvenation... although I still havent confessed in a long time, still dont know how in Egypt.

I was thinking of reading the entire Agbeya everyday (is that bad  ??? ), but I dont know which prayers are for which hour:

# Prime  ?
# Terce (9 a.m.)
# Sext (12 p.m.)
# None (3 p.m.)
# Vespers  ?
# Compline  ?
# Midnight  ?

If Prime is when I wake up, and I wake up around 9 am, and Im off to church at 9 am, what do I do?
Also, any advice on living alone? Pray for me please. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.


  • Oh, and is it hard to live alone  :-[
  • You have the Hours about right. Vespers about 6pm, Compline when you retire to bed.

    I would perhaps not set such as great a rule as praying all of the Hours. It is maybe better to make your rule that you will pray at least three. That way if you have more time then you will have the blessing of praying more, but if you are unable to fit all of the prayers in then you will not feel that you have failed - even when you have committed three of the Hours to God. If you are also attending Liturgy then this will be quite a commitment in any case.

    I would also suggest that you try to spend much time in Church in the company of others worshipping God, even if you remain centered in your heart and focused on God, because we need each other, even to just stand in the same place as some other human being joined in the worship of God.

    Are you seeking advice from your own priest? The other relevant advice has been posted here often. Take plenty of exercise and wear out your body, observe the fasts, do not be so concentrated on one type of study that you become tired with it, but have some variety without flitting from one thing to another. As far as possible I would avoid use of your computer in the evening. Set some time when you just turn it off. You would be blessed by spending time reading the Bible, both in small passages with reflection, and whole books at one go to get a sense of the overall message.

    God bless you and watch over you

    Father Peter
  • Yeah, I'm never making white rice again, LOL!

    Thanks for the advice... first day, and so far so good (except for the rice).
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