Saint George Issue - Please clarify!!

edited December 1969 in Coptic Orthodox Church

I was just reading the Travel Egypt site, and they have a section on Copts and Muslims. Apparently, a touristic site in Christian Egypt is Mar Guirguis.

But look what it says:

À ne pas confondre avec le héros britannique, tueur de dragon, Mar Guirguis fut l’un des premiers martyrs de Palestine, exécuté par les Romains au IVème siècle. La première église à porter son nom fut édifiée quelque six siècles plus tard, au sommet d’une tour romaine.
"Not to be confused with the British Hero: Killer/Slayer of Dragons, Saint George was one of the 1st Martyrs of Palestine, executed by the Romans ... etc."

I thought they WERE the same? I thought that our St George (the roman soldier who was born in Palestine) WAS the same theirs!! At least that's what Anba Angaelos said during the consecration of St. George's Cathedral in Stevenage.

Are they right? Is St. George of the UK different than the Coptic St. George. Its just that even our own St. George, we depict him killing dragons.. so why is that?



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