
edited December 1969 in Faith Issues
I want to know if this priests views are correct and what exacly does he mean?.. and also I want to know everything about the sin of gossip..do you have any advice on how to build a social life correctly? I find reading about many news articles such as even girl magazines..  .. and anything else.. can help me to learn to socialise.. I can read different novels

Obsession about knowing the affairs of others is the root of gossip.
The devil may convince you that you want to know those things so that
you can help the other person. But, I can pray for a sick person without
knowing about the kind of illness he has. I can help someone move into
his new house without prying into how much he paid for the house. I
can congratulate someone for his new job without asking him how much
salary he is getting. Young people especially are obsessed by knowing
the “secrets” of their friends. If you don’t tell me your secrets then you
are not my friend Or, I’ll tell you my secrets if you tell me yours. This
is harmful knowledge and the Bible tells us that being a busybody is as
bad as being a murderer or a thief. Many people complain to me about
other people wanting to know things about them
Some people even tell me, “I have to lie sometimes because I don’t want people to know
my personal affairs.” My standard answer is, “Don’t lie, just tell those
people, this is personal!” And if they get upset and don’t want to talk
to you anymore, don’t worry for they are not true friends any way. True
friends respect the privacy of their friends rather than insist on knowing
their secrets.

From Practical Spirituality by Father Athanasius Iskander


  • I guess Oprah is damned.
  • I believe Fr. Athanasius is on the mark for all of his comments.

    So do you put more faith in girl magazines than the Bible for learning to socialize?

    I'm confused, which one is inspired by God for our welfare?

    Go to church and meet up with people in the youth meetings.
  • Yousi,

    I believe you have wonderful insight.
  • any other replies?

    even in living a balanced life in an unbalanced world.. tv was not condemned..  and I already knew it was not condemned

    how often people complain I always talk about the bible.. no I have not been bible bashing many strangers.. but I don't see whats wrong about talking about the bible even to them

    I really would like to just be silent.. but it is hard in this world..people ask questions.. and even Anba Moussa said that you should know the culture around you.. I can not find the article and I don't know what he meant..

  • I think ilovesaintmark is right.
  • I have got some books from amazon on how to socialise but I don't see myself improving

    Im worried it will be hard to find a wife.. and she will fight me with the same accusations that I talk about the bible too much

    God said to moses who created the tongue is it not I? who ever really learnt how to speak from the power of God?

  • + I think you shouldn't be discouraged about talking about the Bible!
    Ask your confession Father. He will give you the correct advice on how to deal with the people around you..
    The devil is trying to discourage God's people from keeping their faith and following the Bible.
    You can build friendships without the sin of gossip. The world is just corrupt (the ruler of this world is the devil) and will always have weird techniques on how to make friends; even if it's totally against God. Just follow God, and watch how much He blesses you.
    You said it will be hard to find a wife because she will fight with you because you talk about the Bible a lot?? Firstly, who told you this, where did you get this from? Secondly, trust in God. The whole point of marriage is to bring eachother to God. Just pray my friend, it's the key to open the doors of heaven.
    Ask God to give you wisdom on how to deal with people.
    God fulfils ALL His Words and promises. Ask Him to give you spiritual insight about matters and to look at things with spiritual eyes. He will give you according to your faith and according to His will.

    Cast your burden on the LORD, and He will sustain you; He will never permit the righteous to be moved. -Psalm 55:22

    Do not love the world, nor the things in it, for the world and it's lustful desires will past away. Those who perform the will of God abide forever.

    "And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God." -Romans 12:2
  • I don't know
  • my husband talks about the Bible continuously, it's brilliant!
    so God will guide you.
    for anyone who is thinking of marriage, the best preparation is to be as mature and as full of Jesus Christ as you can.
    then you are better trained to deal with all the ups and downs that come with marriage.
    this also applies to being single, as well!

    to learn to socialise, spend time with various people in church. when you have some good friends, ask them how you can socialise better.
    eg. i have been told not to put my hand over my mouth while talking (it looks like i don't really want to say anything) or, sometimes, i need to shut up and give the other person a chance to talk. then i can put my hand over my mouth coz it signals i'm not about to say anything else.
    also i have learnt it's not polite to listen to music when travelling with a friend on the train. even if that person is reading, because reading is something you can interrupt if you need to speak to your friend, but people find it harder to interrupt someone listening to music.
    so, in my experience, the best teachers of how to socialise have been Christians, so you should learn this at church.

    may God give you peace  :)
  • my only advice to gossips is to represent others the way you would like to be represented. I pray that thy do so we should always speak with Grace.

                GOD bless all
  • thankyou people
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