Christians on Sunday reaffirmed their faith in the face of Al-Qaeda, as 200 people celebrated mass in a bloodstained Baghdad cathedral where militants massacred 46 worshippers a week ago.
I'd like to quote from the priest in Iraq who said:
"The church is built on the love, the peace and the blood of the martyrs, not on the sword," Father Mukhlas Habash told parishioners gathered around a cross of burning candles, traced out on the floor of an otherwise bare nave.I am worried for them still. They were at 1.2 million in 2003, and are now down to less than 400,000.
may God bless their dear hearts and reward them for their boldness.
may we all be more like them and face our daily lives with dignity, courage and love, always being ready to give a reason for the hope that is in us.