Well, my mom was reading the New Testament in Luke 16:9 and she came across a verse that said, "(paraphrasing)Latasn3oo azdeqa2 min mal el zolm". She didn't understand what it meant so she asked me and i didn't understand either so now i am asking the intelligent community on Tasbeha.org lol. The part we don't understand is what "mal el zolm" is or means. Thanks guys.
Well, my mom was reading the New Testament in Luke 16:9 and she came across a verse that said, "(paraphrasing)Latasn3oo azdeqa2 min mal el zolm". She didn't understand what it meant so she asked me and i didn't understand either so now i am asking the intelligent community on Tasbeha.org lol. The part we don't understand is what "mal el zolm" is or means. Thanks guys.
mal el-zolm=the wealth of the injustice/oppression.
the verse is: Luke 16:9
And I say to you, make friends for yourselves by unrighteous mammon, that when you fail, they may receive you into an everlasting home.
"The temporal matters are called outward matters, since they are away from us. Let us
change them to inward matters. If we are unable to carry its riches with us when we depart
from here, yet we are able to carry our love. It is therefore more appropriate to send it before
us, and so it prepares a place for us in the everlasting dwelling."
More Commentary on the verse here
I hope that cleared it up :)