God willing I will be writing an extended essay on the Ancient Rites of the Coptic Orthodox Church and I'm wondering if anyone knows of any good sources covering this material. The sources can be online or in print. Any suggestions would be highly appreciated. I know the topic is rather broad but as I employ more sources I will try and make the prompt more narrow.
Thanks a lot
Also, find HG Bishop mettaous book on the spirituality of the rites here: http://www.orthodoxbookstore.org/thespiritualityoftheritesoftheholyliturgy.aspx
Rites for times of the year here: http://copticheritage.org/index.php?name=PagEd&topictoview=21
Your topic is very broad, what exactly are you looking for, rites of the liturgy? Rites of feasts? etc?
If you are versed in Arabic, or have someone that may translate for you, I would also recommend the Divine Liturgy Book (The Three Divine Liturgies--Al-Khulagi Al-Mokaddas) that is printed by the El-Muharraq Monastery. It is an amazing resource in terms of explanation, Biblical reference and cross-reference, as well as meditations. It is a source for which Bp. Mettaous utilized for his book on Rites and Traditions.
one of my dreams is to have and liturgy book in all 3 languages with those references...
You have good taste. It is an amazing book that few people pay attention to its existence.
Check also the 'Parent Directory' for more on Rites.
Moreover, I know my topic is a little broad. I was thinking about focusing on the rites of the liturgy, but then again that is also a very broad topic. Depending on how everything plays out, I may have to focus simply on the formation of our church which is probably a slightly more focused topic.
Again thanks a ton.
You can't order it, you need to go to Egypt and go to el muharraq to get it.
actually....the closest i got to that book is the one in my church here, Saint Mark's New Jersey.....it's an old hard-cover book/edition......but even though it's in church, i always go there to look at it.
there are probably newer versions that have the arabic and coptic typed up with the references.