The Filoque - Procession of the Holy Spirit

edited December 1969 in Coptic Orthodox Church

I was having a chat with some Church servants, and they were saying that the Holy Spirit proceeds ONLY from the Father. Not from the Son, nor through the Son.

For me, I admit, this is quite a confusing topic.

Can someone explain what exactly we believe in??



  • Hi,

    If I recall correctly, you're right. At Nicea (the Nicean Creed) we profess that the Holy Spirit proceeds only from the Father.

    I've read the dutch version of Wikipedia, which said that the OO and EO believe that the Holy Spirit proceeds from the father 'through' the Son, but I think that's false.

    Irini paci!
  • This is very difficult so dont feel so bad. It is the wording that gets people, not necessarily the concept. The Holy Spirit proceeds ONLY from the Father, not the Son. Here is where the catholics have misinterpreted St. Cyril, the translate the word proceed from and sent by as the same thing, proceed from. The Holy Spirit does not proceed from Christ, but is sent by Christ, where as the Holy Spirit only proceeds from the Father.

    Proceed as defined by the Oxford English Thesaurus:
    : begin, make a start, get going, move, set something in motion; take action, act, go on, go ahead, make progress, make headway.

    : dispatch, post, mail, address, consign, direct, forward; transmit, convey, communicate; telephone, phone, broadcast, radio, fax, email; dated telegraph, wire, cable.

    I am not sure of the exact words St. Cyril wrote, but I know that this is how the Latin church perverted what St Cyril actually said. Hopefully this helps.

  • I think the reason for this was that they didn't want it to seem like there was a rank where Father > Son > Holy Spirit, because saying the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and Son makes it seem that way.
  • no because u know how Jesus said my father is greater than I. so there is no ranks
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