Dear all,
My friend and I are preparing a Sunday school lesson for middle schoolers about " Facebook from a Christian point of view".
We want them to learn the advantages and the disadvantages of facebook, how to glorify God through facebook and how to use their time effectively on facebook. Does anyone have any experience with this topic.
Any ideas or resources will be much appreciated.
God bless,
Yes, socializing is important (and should have its limits), but when it comes to the point where it takes so much time everyday, that's just unwise.
Sorry for not mentioning any advantages that could help you for the lesson.
Thank you. I agree with you that the time that we spend on facebook is worthless.
Any more ideas! :)
Thank you in advance.
God bless,
I've always had the problem of wasting so much time on it, as much as I found facebook to be boring in itself, I used to close the window, and when I couldn't study I'd revisit the site... I fell in so much procrastination... and what helped the procrastination was looking at peoples photos the most... I wasted so much time looking at photos and noticing who went where, why and with who - completely non-spiritual at all. I also struggled to deactivate it throughout the year... my main excuse was "Promotional Purposes" for my service with COYA Sydney (Coptic Orthodox Youth Association), so one main advantage is reaching the youth of our diocese by bugging them with constant meeting reminders via the group and creating events. I remember in our COYA Servants meetings that we actually look at RSVPs we get to help prepare for the actual events although it wasn't too accurate because MANY people click attending on everything possible (lol) so we have to take that into consideration.
I also promote events for my church (The best Coptic church in Sydney - St. Marks). But we don't even need facebook for our church... we're a mad bunch.
So the exact reason I deactivated my facebook was because I signed into my facebook on my twins iPhone and forgot to sign out and so she wrote crap as my statuses and so I deactivated it from my laptop at the same time... I thought I would activate it again... but I guess it was DEF. Gods' will that I had it deactivated, because mannnn it was screwing me up with uni. Really, it was a miracle I haven't activated it since, even though I'm on holidays now.
It's a time waster when you have things to do, really. Moderation is only good when you are skilled in self-control, and you can see most of us aren't.
Hope that helped with advantages and disadvantages :)
A blessed member of Tasbeha sent me a pm that I would like to share with you for our benefit.
I would just add that fb can be dangerous especially for younger people who think they are invisible to the world of "bad" people. I say this out of experience. I don't think parents monitor their kid's access to these sorts of sites which is also very dangerous since these young people don't realize that there are people who can use any little bit of info posted (although most ppl post WAAAAAY too much info) to cause harm. For example, some people post that they are going on vacation..well isn't that good to know if you are a burglar who can use clues from pictures and such to locate your house! Also, some things that are posted, i.e. pictures might look.. well not the best.. and these pictures last FOREVER if they are on the internet, this is something young people might not realize the magnitude of.
If i were you I would express a negative opinion about fb but if you are going to talk to them about it, I would suggest ways of minimizing daily usage and ways of making sure they are safe and not posting things that may harm them in any way. I find that when talking to teens, you have to work really hard to penetrate that idea they have that nothing bad will happen to them.
Great topic to talk to teens about, God bless your service.
Thank you for the very nice points.
God bless
Don't do it.
Do what? Activate it?... I won't, don't worry... unless I wanna stalk someone.. lol