Peace to the community..Ive just downloaded Coptic Apochrypa in the dialect of upper egypt...may I know the comments of the communiy about this book(s)....Thanks in advance....
Here it is, it is from archive.....thanks... + + +
Volume I. Coptic Homilies in the Dialect of Upper Egypt, from the Papyrus Codex Oriental 5001 in the British Museum. With five plates and seven illustrations in the text. 8vo, pp. x + 424. 1910. 12*. net.
Contents : I. The Discourse of Apa John, Archbishop of Constantinople, on Repentance and Continence. II. The Explanation of Apa John, Arch- bishop of Constantinople, concerning Susanna, III. The Discourse of Saint Athanasius, Archbishop of Rakote, on Mercy and Judgement. IV. The Discourse of Archbishop Theophilus on Repentance and Continence, &c. V. The Discourse which Saint Athanasius, Archbishop of Rakote, pronounced concerning a passage in the Gospel of Saint Matthew. VI. The Discourse pronounced by Proclus, Bishop of Cyzicus, on the last Sunday in Lent. VII. The Discourse which Proclus, Bishop of Cyzicus, pronounced on the Sunday which preceded the holy Forty Days. VIII. The Discourse which Apa Basil, Bishop of Caesarea of Cappadocia, pronounced concerning the end of the world, &c. IX. The Discourse which the holy Patriarch, Apa Athanasius Archbishop of Rakote, pronounced concerning the Soul and the Body. X. The Discourse which Apa Eusebius, Bishop of Caesarea of Cappadocia, pronounced concerning the Canaanitish woman. Appendices I- VII. Dis- courses of Mar John (Bishop of Constantinople), Proclus, and Alexander (Archbishop of Alexandria).
Volume II. Coptic Biblical Texts in the Dialect of Upper Egypt. With ten plates. 8vo, pp. lxxxviii-f-349. 1912. 15*. net.
Contents : I. The Book of Deuteronomy. II. The Book of Jonah. III. The Book of the Acts of the Apostles. IV. The Cursive Script at the end of the Acts. V. The Apocalypse of Saint John. VI. List of Coptic Forms of Greek Words. VII. List of Coptic Forms of Names of Persons, Countries, &c.
Volume III. Coptic Apocrypha in the Dialect of Upper Egypt. With fifty-eight plates. 8vo, pp. lxxvi + 404. 1913. 20*. net.
Contents : I. The Book of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ by Bar- tholomew the Apostle ; The Life of Saint Bartholomew. II. The Repose of Saint John the Evangehst and Apostle. III. The Mysteries of Saint John the Apostle the Holy Virgin. IV. The Life of Bishop Pisentius. V. Encomium on John the Baptist. VI. The Instructions of Apa Pachomius. Coptic Forms of Greek Words, &c.
Volume IV. Coptic Martyrdoms, &c., in the Dialect of Upper Egypt. With thirty-two plates. 8vo, pp. lxxvi + 523. 1914. 17*. 6d. net.
Contents: I. The Martyrdom of Saint Victor the General. II. The Encomium of Celestinus, Archbishop of Rome, on Victor the General.
III. The Life of Saints Eustathius and Theopiste and their two children.
IV. The Life of Apa Cyrus, V. The Encomium of Flavianus, Bishop of Ephesus, on Demetrius, Archbishop of Alexandria. VI. The Asketikon of Apa Ephraim. VII. Another Epistle of Apa Ephraim to a beloved disciple. VIII. The Life of John the Monk. IX. The Life of Apa Onnophrios the Anchorite. X. Discourse on Abbaton by Timothy, Archbishop of Alex- andria. Coptic Forms of Greek Words, &c.
Volume V. Miscellaneous Texts in the Dialect of Upper Egypt. With foi-ty plates and twenty illustrations in the text. 8vo, pp. clxxxi-t-12l6. 1915. 40*. net.
Volume I. Coptic Homilies in the Dialect of Upper Egypt, from
the Papyrus Codex Oriental 5001 in the British Museum.
With five plates and seven illustrations in the text. 8vo,
pp. x + 424. 1910. 12*. net.
Contents : I. The Discourse of Apa John, Archbishop of Constantinople,
on Repentance and Continence. II. The Explanation of Apa John, Arch-
bishop of Constantinople, concerning Susanna, III. The Discourse of Saint
Athanasius, Archbishop of Rakote, on Mercy and Judgement. IV. The
Discourse of Archbishop Theophilus on Repentance and Continence, &c.
V. The Discourse which Saint Athanasius, Archbishop of Rakote, pronounced
concerning a passage in the Gospel of Saint Matthew. VI. The Discourse
pronounced by Proclus, Bishop of Cyzicus, on the last Sunday in Lent.
VII. The Discourse which Proclus, Bishop of Cyzicus, pronounced on the
Sunday which preceded the holy Forty Days. VIII. The Discourse which Apa
Basil, Bishop of Caesarea of Cappadocia, pronounced concerning the end of
the world, &c. IX. The Discourse which the holy Patriarch, Apa Athanasius
Archbishop of Rakote, pronounced concerning the Soul and the Body.
X. The Discourse which Apa Eusebius, Bishop of Caesarea of Cappadocia,
pronounced concerning the Canaanitish woman. Appendices I- VII. Dis-
courses of Mar John (Bishop of Constantinople), Proclus, and Alexander
(Archbishop of Alexandria).
Volume II. Coptic Biblical Texts in the Dialect of Upper Egypt.
With ten plates. 8vo, pp. lxxxviii-f-349. 1912. 15*. net.
Contents : I. The Book of Deuteronomy. II. The Book of Jonah.
III. The Book of the Acts of the Apostles. IV. The Cursive Script at the
end of the Acts. V. The Apocalypse of Saint John. VI. List of Coptic
Forms of Greek Words. VII. List of Coptic Forms of Names of Persons,
Countries, &c.
Volume III. Coptic Apocrypha in the Dialect of Upper Egypt.
With fifty-eight plates. 8vo, pp. lxxvi + 404. 1913. 20*. net.
Contents : I. The Book of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ by Bar-
tholomew the Apostle ; The Life of Saint Bartholomew. II. The Repose of
Saint John the Evangehst and Apostle. III. The Mysteries of Saint John the
Apostle the Holy Virgin. IV. The Life of Bishop Pisentius. V. Encomium
on John the Baptist. VI. The Instructions of Apa Pachomius. Coptic
Forms of Greek Words, &c.
Volume IV. Coptic Martyrdoms, &c., in the Dialect of Upper
Egypt. With thirty-two plates. 8vo, pp. lxxvi + 523. 1914.
17*. 6d. net.
Contents: I. The Martyrdom of Saint Victor the General. II. The
Encomium of Celestinus, Archbishop of Rome, on Victor the General.
III. The Life of Saints Eustathius and Theopiste and their two children.
IV. The Life of Apa Cyrus, V. The Encomium of Flavianus, Bishop of
Ephesus, on Demetrius, Archbishop of Alexandria. VI. The Asketikon of
Apa Ephraim. VII. Another Epistle of Apa Ephraim to a beloved disciple.
VIII. The Life of John the Monk. IX. The Life of Apa Onnophrios the
Anchorite. X. Discourse on Abbaton by Timothy, Archbishop of Alex-
andria. Coptic Forms of Greek Words, &c.
Volume V. Miscellaneous Texts in the Dialect of Upper Egypt.
With foi-ty plates and twenty illustrations in the text. 8vo,
pp. clxxxi-t-12l6. 1915. 40*. net.