Hey all,
I have noticed for a while, that the replies to the post and sometimes the posts themselves
are not very Christ like. I know I am not the one to talk, but this has been bothering me a lot.
I used to be very into "tasbeha.org> Forum" as a way to learn and to get information.
I used to love this community soo much that I even told my friend to join so he would benefit too.
The recent stuff I see are very "not Christ like" This is very disapointing.
I don't mean to attack any specific person or people but all I am trying to say, is that we should
stop acting this way. I haven't had anything said directly to me, but I still have seen stuff I don't
like being posted. Everytime, I see something like that I get turned off and even repulsed by
the manner we are communicating with each other; brothers and sisters in the faith.
I have thought several times of even leaving this site because of this. I know that to you guys,
I am pretty valueless in terms of knowledge, so it shouldn't affect much.
I would just like to apologize if I wrote anything that offended anyone in my posts.
I just hope, wish, and pray that God will strengthen us against the evil brain-twisting, the devil has reserved for us.
Can you please give examples? Like maybe I said something or other people have said something without noticing it, so can you explain what you mean so we can review ourselves?
Please don't leave this site, you are a really, really wise person and even though you say that you are "valueless", I say that we are all equal on this site. And actually it will have an affect because I see that every one's views count no matter on what side.
I definitely know what you mean, and I felt that before where sometimes we are passing the line somehow, but can you explain?
Your Sister in Christ,
This site is very much on the loose.. It is like there are no admins moderating at all.
Not even with the issue about the attitude it peoples' posts but with just moderating things such as merging new threads into old if they are the same topic etc. all the little details that makes all the difference - nothing.
I'm out of here.. I'm not even gonna download any hymns from this website anymore, not even worth it. I used to... but I'm gonna delete everything tasbeha.org from my computer, besides the hymns here aren't top quality anyways. This site is not worth my time (which I don't have much of) and effort. I'm gonna save it for other useful and respectable websites and things.
This site has NEVER brought my spiritual life higher one bit... just LOWER - maybe that's why I stopped posting for a few years and when I came back I kept giving every day a new chance.. but that hasn't even worked. Coz this site is too crap. Oh and I can tell you easily the ways ones spiritual life decreases... too easy.
This website is probably the WORST example of Coptic Egyptians ever! That's why there's always talk here on "how Egyptians or Copts appear to the outside world." Duhhh.
Okay, more than half of peoples' posts are mainly arguing about each others attitudes rather than about the topic at hand! Like what the hell?!
But, I believe it is the season of the Great Lent - So, let's not let the satan use us against each other after all. Pray, and pray for me too.
I'm not quite sure of the colloquial application of these terms. To some it may be offensive.
Hell...unchristian to us in everyday aspect
Duhhh...condescending and attacking.
Passive aspects can be deleterious and allow for encroachment.
Homosexuality is entering the desensitized zone in our minds as a community too easily. It has to be dealt with loudly.
Desecration cannot be addressed calmly.
These are my feelings.
1 Timothy 6:3-6.
Good call, Joshuaa!!
After reading these post for a year and a half, I decided to join but my experience has not been pleasant ever since I have taken an active role.
I find that people are being attacked instead of the ideas.
I wish we could discuss instead of fight.
Also, the sarcasm that is used is unappreciated, at least by me. Lowest form of humor.
However, I am still learning a lot, but I could definitely be having a better experience on this site.
Also, I realize that it is important foe all of us to realize each others' weaknesses and bear with them, but it does not mean there is not room for improvement.
- God Bless.
It is easy to misinterpret an attack on a belief as an attack on the person because the two are closely intertwined. I don't think anyone here has the intention of hurting anyone else.
As my FoC always tells me about speaking...Be the last one to speak and use as little words as possible.
but i love this site, i prefer it over Facebook which is the worst for me.
we're not going to like everything everyone says. but at least theyre trying to help.
if 75 % of your topic replies were helpful and 25% were bad, dont disregard the 75% and dwell on the 25%.
Its easy to criticise. I am working from 7am to 11pm. If I moderate tasbeha it has to be within those constraints. And everyone else involved with tasbeha has the same constraints on their time. If someone only comes to tasbeha to take things then they are unlikely to gain a benefit.
Is it alright if I criticize your British spelling of the word "criticize?"
*hides in shame*
See: Ghoti
Or should that be ee-zul-ee?
America might be the stupidest nation, but we always win in the end (even if we have to cheat our way through). And thats why the other countries are always jealous. Sorry.
That link went waaaay over my head. I read it 6 times and I still don't understand. What does fish have to do with anything? So confused!
Leave the Civil War out of this. They meant good by protecting those Africans.
If the other countries we'rent jealous of Americans then they wouldn't copy us all the time. ::)
Can you help me recall who won the Revolutionary War, Father?
Did we ever lose a war (except for Vietnam, which wasn't technically our war)? I didn't think so. We always win.
America: 1 Britain: 0
Is it a sin to win over a priest?
The US does not win all the time, despite cheating.
So technically it wasn't OUR loss.
America: 2 Britain: 0
That link went waaaay over my head. I read it 6 times and I still don't understand. What does fish have to do with anything? So confused!
It is a joke. I thought of it because other people brought up spelling differences between the US and the UK. (I agree with the page that it doesn't actually "work" as outlined, e.g., "gh" is not pronounced as "f" word-initially in any English word I can think of.)
The real question: What does Vietnam have to do with anything?! ??? ;D
Huh, what kind of reasoning is that?
What about Korea?