passion week and agbeya

edited December 1969 in Faith Issues
Hi everyone,

just a quick question, are we allowed to pray the agbeya during passion week or do the pascha prayers replace the agbeya for that week ??

Have a great upcoming passion week

God bless, PP4M


  • We do NOT pray the agpeya during Pascha week. You are correct - the pascha prayers replace the hours of the agpeya.

    However, I am not sure why. . .
  • The psalms in the agpeya have both joyful and sorrowful themes. And prophecies related to the resurrection and incarnation etc.  During pascha we are focussed completely on the passion of Christ. So it's not fitting to pray from the agpeya that has different focuses instead of the pascha prayers.
  • Hey, Just like JYDeacon saiud, durring pascha we are only conderned with the things revolving around the passion of chirst, while the agpeya has many themses that are not necessarily directly related to the passion. However, i often feel that durring pascha week , i become more lax in my prayer rule, and i slack of, having no agpeya prayers to whip me into shape.

    A good solution for this problem of being lax when you should be increasing the prayers durring pascha is actually using the pascha book as your agpeya for your personal prayers at home. There are personaly agpeya prayers at home, and there are onse in church, yet the onse in church do not replace the one at home, and so the pascha prayers at church do not replace the pascha prayers at home. They can both be done. However, as is always expedient, take your FOC's Permission for any changes or additions to your prayer rule.

  • thanks alot guys, that makes things alot less confusing for me :)
    but i disagree with what Returnorthodoxy said, some of the hours of the agpeya actually relate to the passion of christ ( i know that i have read in some agpeyas an introduction that shows how that specific hour prayers relate to the passion of christ, and incident in good friday for example) so why can't we pray these.

    i also think that the seven hours do relate to the passion of christ, its an implication abut our own life( i.e. crucifing the mind, resurrection from sin etc.)

    + God Bless +
  • Is it a sin that I'm kind of relieved that I get to sleep in for 15 extra minutes in the morning?
  • Are you only supposed to pray from the Agpeya for 15 minutes? I'm confused.  :-\
  • Maybe I should just stop posting. I seem to be really bad example.
  • No, no. Don't do that! I'm just overly scrupulous because I don't know what I'm doing.

  • Is it a sin that I'm kind of relieved that I get to sleep in for 15 extra minutes in the morning?

    Yes lol. :p
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