The question is, is it ok in the Church to hav a a professional career in sports? A lot of Churches hav basketball and soccer leagues 4 the kids and college. Also, wat about combat sports, such as boxing? The whole thing isn't really beating someone up.
Don't get me wrong, I can't even describe to you how fantastically awesome I think sports are. But it would be very difficult.
The question is, is it ok in the Church to hav a a professional career in sports? A lot of Churches hav basketball and soccer leagues 4 the kids and college. Also, wat about combat sports, such as boxing? The whole thing isn't really beating someone up.
It is okay as long as you don't forget God and you must set alone time for Him.
I think a lot of sports can take you away from God simply because of how demanding they are time-wise. It's even worse if you're looking at something like the NFL, where the games are all played on Sunday.
Don't get me wrong, I can't even describe to you how fantastically awesome I think sports are. But it would be very difficult.
Mass on Wednesdays and Saturdays in most churches!
In all careers, put God first.
What about combat sports?
Well, I don't recommend you do that. The thing is, with sports like boxing, you have to be careful because why are you hitting the other guy? Are you doing it because you don't like him, or you are very mad when doing it? or are you just playing the sport? I don't recommend them at all. Why would you want to play a game in which you hurt the other person? It is just too inhumane.