I was wondering what type of Crowns there are that God can reward people (Saints) with them.
By crown I mean the arabic word "Ekleel", such as Crown of martyrdom, hope etc.
Forgive me if I use a wrong term to describe the word I mean.
Thanks in advance!
So you can see that it is a symbol for fighting the good fight (1 Tim 6:12), as a way that God has rewarded his people for being faithful to the end.
Of course when we sing "ekleel dahab" etc (a crown of gold on the martyrs head) during Vespers for a saint, we have to keep in mind that gold and silver were and still are precious metals, again alluding to the glory of entering God's kingdom. We can also think of it that since we are children of God, and just as God is King, we also will be made heirs in his Kingdom (James 2:5, Romans 8:17).
Sorry for asking more, but could anyone provide a list or some information abou the type of Crowns God awards good people with?