Pikhristos aftonf!
For complete beginners? Remnkimi recommended "So You Want To Learn Coptic" by Sameh Younan and "A Study in Bohairic Coptic" by Nabil Mattar to me. There is also another book called "Grammaire Copte" by Alexis Mallon and Boulos Ayad Ayad. Though it is in French (which I do not speak), my father knows French and he will be able to help me out. Any additional hints, book, resources, and strategies would be appreciated.
In Christ
I do strongly recommend "So You Want to Learn Coptic?" By Sameh Younan. I think it's a wonderful book for all those who would like to learn Coptic and in all stages. What I do along with going through the book and doing the exercise, is I read the Bible (I have the whole new testament in nice searchable PDF format from the library of St. Shenouda; if you share your email I can dropbox them to you if you're interested) or whatever other manuscript you have in Coptic. Another resource that I find helpful while doing so is the Coptic dictionary; I use this coptic dictionary below since I find Crum's a little hard to use, at least for me.
Coptic Dictionary: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B_xyG83iDJd9M2U1MGJjNDgtYzk1ZS00NmFkLWI5OWEtMWI1MWU3YmM4NDI2/edit?hl=en&pli=1
Coptic Bible (not complete): http://www.moheb.de/coptic_books.html
Good Luck!!
Though this is for Sahidic it offers a fairly rigorous teaching of the language that extends (with some work) to a lot of the words and grammar of Bohairic. The book can be followed on one's own, but I would only recommend it if you have a lot of motivation and are serious about learning it. The "So You Want to Learn Coptic?" is very good for most deacons and copts who want to have more familiarity and understanding of the language used in the church services, but it is not as rigorous (eg. in explaining all the rules, conjugations, etc).
You don't need your father to help you with French. It is a good starting book. I think Younan's book is a little more contemporary and easier to read.
would you please upload this book "Ayad, B.A. 2004. Coptic Grammar, Translated from French to English" again, link is down !!