Taraneem Needed!!!

edited December 1969 in Random Issues

I was wandering if anyone knew of any arabic Taraneema that has the following words in it:

Ya Adra ya omi, ya Adra ya ghali andi. I think its called Ya adra Yadra.

If anyone knows it, can they please send a link.

Also does anyone know a taraneem which goes by the name Doobi Doobi or has those words in. Again if anyone has it will be greatly appreciated if you could send it over.

God Bless


  • Sorry guys - never mind I found them!!! My arabic searching skills have imensely improved since the last time I needed to do something - I Just underestimated myself.

    Here they are if you want them..

    God Bless
  • It's a good information for me . I really like it.
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