Have responsibilities in Sunday school, don't feel like I fit

edited March 2014 in Personal Issues
The thing is we have sunday school in our university
I accepted a certain post and I'm supposed to lead some 25 people around me.
So I'm almost 4 months to the job and I find myself making the same errors the previous leader used to make and I also feel like I'm not a setting a good example to the others spiritually...how can they grow as a christian when the person they look up to is not a good christian worth mentioning
What to do...
I don't want to quit...might be because I'm stubborn and not a quitter but I also don't want to feel like this...


  • Kal,

    No one is a worthy example. Keep serving with the guidance of your Father of Confession. Hide nothing from him. 
  • edited March 2014
    "I also feel like I'm not a setting a good example to the others spiritually...how can they grow as a christian when the person they look up to is not a good christian worth mentioning"

    See how your spiritual life is going, because our relationship with God manifests itself in the service. If our cup is overflowing, it will overflow on those who are served.

    When we serve, we do not represent ourselves, we try to represent Christ. Those whom you serve need to see Christ through you. We all fall short, so show them Christ instead of yourself. To have Christ within you to the point that you radiate God Himself comes from a relationship with Him, and the pinnacle of this relationship is prayer. In prayer we are united with God, we discover Him within ourselves, and we gradually grow to resemble Him. Make sure when you pray, pray out of your love for God, and although it is one thing to aim for communion with God for the sake of the service, pray out of your love for Him and you will see that you will be moved to pray for the service also. Pray also for the growth of those who are being served. Servants can plant a seed and water it, but 'God gives the increase'. But even when you plant and water, say 'we are unprofitable servants. We have done what was our duty to do' and because we can do nothing without God.
  • edited March 2014

    Seek first the kingdom of heaven and all things shall be added onto you?

    Your post and advice couldn't be more perfect.
    Please pray that we/us/I be like that
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