I can see that there are many great theologians and knowledgeable people in this forum. My question to you guys is how can I learn more about what real orthodoxy is. If you saw the last discussion I started, which I'm sure you didn't lol you'll have seen that I've been going back and reading these threads which are very informative. I came to the one where Father Peter discussed protestantism vs orthodoxy(
http://tasbeha.org/community/index.php?p=/discussion/12797/protestant-concerts#Item_141) What I got out of it was that I really need to know what real orthodoxy is because that's what I claim I am(Orthodox) and to be able to distinguish between orthodoxy and heresies (For example, someone preaching more about protestantism in the church and I would probably believe it). I appreciate all your efforts and thank you in advance but please keep in mind I am extremely ignorant in these things and very simple minded so I need/want to start from the beginning so as to get a full and complete understanding.
Also, I know I ask for so much but I would really appreciate it if you guys could give specific "plans" like which book or something to start with and where to go from there not like a general answer "read the bible" "ask you FoC"
EDIT: I have tried this before, without any real guidance. I tried studying the liturgy and enjoyed it and felt like I was benefitting but I felt like there was no end, and that much that I was reading/learning was really just meditations on it and not actual history or explanations behind the rites. I tried a few other things to no real success so I hope the Holy Spirit leads me in the right direction through you guys.
Thank you so much for all your advice, I found it all extremely beneficial. What I meant by "don't just suggest general suggestions like 'read the bible' 'ask your father of confession'" was that I want something supplementary to that, which you have given through your links provided for which I am extremely grateful. I said this because to me, the bible is somewhat how you interpret it. For example you can take it literally and the only book to use such as Protestants or like the orthodox, having other things to look at such as the writings of the fathers and the lives of the saints. My former FoC recommended I let the Holy Spirit guide me, which is obviously a must and I try to as much as I can, with my feeble mind. But I just want to make sure that while I'm reading and understanding, that I do so in the orthodox concept. Hopefully that made sense.
As for my father of confession, through prayer and God's timing, I am currently in search for a new one but that's an issue all on its own which I wish to not bring up at the moment.
Thanks for the link! You remind me of Red from The Shawshank Redemption, the go to guy for everything lol links, books, QUOTES! Thanks again and God bless you both.