Online dating

edited October 2014 in Personal Issues
What is your opinion about online dating for someone almost in their 30's and is having a hard time finding someone for church?


  • edited October 2014
    Never make relationships an objective. Trust God and pray for his timing and guidance. Speaking to a spiritual father for guidance is always crucial.
  • Hi ServentOfGod,

    This is what I would do:

    a) Go to a Russian Orthodox Church - the girls there are just models... all of them. Participate in their activities, their services etc. You'll be sure to make friends at least and I'm sure through that you may find a way to increase your network to find an orthodox bride.
    b) Then go to a Greek Orthodox Church and do the same.

    Going to a dating website should be the last resort.

    I had a friend on whom I met in real life. He was Greek Orthodox, but had tremendous amount of respect and affection towards the Coptic. He invited me to his Church once. I went and attended a talk by a priest there. The priest was just magnificent.  I mean, you could sense holiness coming from the little hairs of his beard. His words would strike a chord with me whenever he'd speak. 

    I was really impressed. In the same meeting, I couldn't help but notice many young, and very beautiful, women in the room. After the talk, we all went for a nice meal together. I became friends with most of them afterwards. I think this is the sort of thing you should be doing.

    I would avoid dating websites as you'll have to put your profile (with photos, personal information etc...) on the site and security wise, its not ideal. 

    Pray and ask God for a wife guidance and to select for you a good wife, or to at least remove from your path anyone who could be bad for you. Not every Coptic girl may be suitable for you. Coptic doesn't mean they are saved, or will assist you in your spiritual life, or even domestic life for that matter. 

    Good luck!
  • remember that all beautiful women turn into wrinkly old ladies unless they die young.


    so spend time becoming the best husband / wife you can be (deep relationship with God, regular confession etc)
    then make friends with people who help you in your spiritual life, and then maybe marry one of them.
  • Why do you want to get married?
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