Imagine a judge who is ruling in the case of a serial killer (a man who has committed countless atrocities). This judge for some reason develops love and compassion towards the serial killer (perhaps he sees that the killer had a rough upbringing and his actions are a result of psychological torment, etc..). Anyway, the serial killer is condemned by the jury as guilty and, according to the law, should be placed on death row. However, the judge was not happy with that outcome because he loved the serial killer. So the judge finds a legal loophole to get the serial killer free by applying the punishment instead to his 5 year-old-son, a sweet little boy who has never committed any crime in his life. This was done with the complete and free consent of the child (who is assumed to be capable of giving such consent). But the judge wasn't just gonna let his child die; he was planning to let his child be sentenced to death but then later file an appeal and get him out of prison. And so no one dies (neither the serial killer nor the judge's son)! The only problem is that the judge's son would have to suffer in prison during this appeal process (for days, months, maybe even years) until his father is able to get him out.
What kind of stupid legal system allows a little innocent child to suffer on behalf of a serial killer and allow the serial killer to go free? How is this justice?
What kind of father allows his little innocent son to suffer in prison because he sympathizes with a serial killer?
you seem to be confused with protestant theories.
the picture you describe above does not fit with orthodox Christian explanations of salvation.
read 'the incarnation' by saint athanasius and it will make a lot more sense.
Also if that’s not what the church says about the purpose of the cross, then what does it say?
1. No Priests are currently on this forum.
2. It's Holy Week. I would think, even with the lack of laity and open churches, any Priest would be a bit busy this week.
hi theodosia and meneeryacoub, your understandings are correct from what i have learnt serving in the church (feel free to send a personal message if you would like to discuss further).
share the Lord and church bob have written beautifully about this, and minatasgeel has nailed it (sorry about the 'nail' pun!)
kyrillos97, the main and vital point we are trying to make is that the Son of God (who is fully divine as well as human) came to our level and picked us up from our broken state so that we could take part in the divine nature.
Jesus Christ is God. He planned our rescue (salvation) as well as being the sacrifice.
what we are praying about and celebrating this week is the chance we all have to be made one with God through God's suffering and His grace and peace.
i pray God will guide you. understanding this is about living it, not just reading about it.