18th Century Pascha

I have a rather complicated request. If anyone is fluent beyond Liturgical Coptic they may be able to help. If anyone is fluent in French, I would love some assistance.

I need to write a midterm on the, "Evolution of the Coptic Pascha Rites in the 18th century." Evidently this has something to do with a manuscript that was found. The professor didn't exactly give a great detail of resources, and the only one he offered is in French from the early 20th century. I can send anyone who may be able to help the link to the book, or the section of the book he linked.

If you could at least point me to the correct page number, I can just run it through Google translate.

Thank you!


  • Ⲭⲣⲓⲥⲧⲟⲥ ⲁⲛⲉⲥⲧⲏ
    Dear @ItalianCoptic I am not fluent in French unfortunately but I am OK in Coptic beyond the liturgical syntax. I would like to help out so let me know what I can do and I will check if I can.. Thanks in advance..
    Ⲟⲩϫⲁⲓ ϧⲉⲛ Ⲡϭⲥ
  • I would be curious to hear more about this. 
  • Please post the mid-term here once it's finished, as a history student I would love to read it!
  • I am French but I can barely read coptic. I would be happy to help anyway. 
  • I will send you a private message with the link and the professor's instructions.
  • edited July 2020

    The major difference was the church would read significantly more psalms, prophecies the writings of St. John Crysosdom during Passion Week. It would have taken 3-4 hours just to do the readings minus the hymns!

    All of the reading from the church Fathers were trimmed off, and some Byzantine aspects which were more prevalent, were dropped. It's much like Habib Guirguis organization the church into its modern form.

    The wording was also far more detailed and more graphic. It would be interesting to hear it today, but it was a logical move. It symptoms more of a theatrical enactment than a Liturgical one.

    That specific assignment made me recognize I am not a theologian. I switched my major to Christian education. If God wills me to move on, I'll study the intricacies of the Liturgy in time.
  • Dear @ItalianCoptic,
    You said "It's much like Habib Guirguis organization the church into its modern form.

    The wording was also far more detailed and more graphic."

    Would you mind expanding on those two statements please? Thanks a lot in advance..
    Ⲟⲩϫⲁⲓ ϧⲉⲛ Ⲡϭⲥ
  • What kind of class are you taking that requires you to write a paper on that subject?
  • It was for a Master's in Coptic Orthodox Theology from an online university called Holy Sophia University in Connecticut, U.S. 

     The class was called, "Holy Liturgy II." It was the midterm. He required us to translate from French. Even a French person couldn't help me with it. Not only was that an issue, the use of, "Holy" rather than "Divine" for Liturgy was a bit annoying. I changed my major to Christian Education. I love to learn about the Liturgy and the history of our church, but that showed me I am not a theologian. 

    @ophadece I'll send some information to you. I've been busy with work and home life and I haven't been on here in a two weeks.
  • @ItalianCoptic, I cannot thank you enough.. Take your time, there is no urgency at all..
    Ⲟⲩϫⲁⲓ ϧⲉⲛ Ⲡϭⲥ
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