This web site has been over the years a great resources for me personally to grow in learning hymns and I do appreciate all the efforts and resources you have pout to make this happen and stand till today.
You have recently converted to Coptic Unicode Font and so what is the benefit of that first of all and secondly and most importantly, on a computer or any portable device, the Coptic displays in a difficult non-clean format to follow along. Is there is a way to fix that so it displays good readable font on our devices?
Lastly, I have few liturgies that I have recorded with some blessed fathers that were vistors or happen to pray with them and includingh one with Father Filopateer Kamal and Moallem Ibrahim Ayaad and others. Would you like to review and upload to your web site after review? if so, I can be reached at
[email protected]
Note: how do I get notified of your response? My email is checked consistently. Thanks and pray for my weakness.
Nader Mansi