Is wathching bad movies and hearing bad music a good thing or is it a bad thing?? Should we listen to them at all or just ignore it all?? What about if someone buys you a bad cd for your birthday and there is inapropite music and language?? WHAT WOULD YOU DO??? TELL YOUR ANSWRES AND YOU THOUGHTS!!!!!
hope i helped
because you just said it is bad!!!!!!!!!!
your cousin DODO
gave it to onther one it will look so bad and at the same time it will appeare that BASKETBALL is a bad girl!
anyway. u have the holy spirit in you ; u know its wrong obviously or u wouldnt have such doubts.
so now we have established that its wrong, so what shall we do? hard shmard, thats the righteous road, its narrow. my advice. take it.
but ya know, if u r giving it away to someone else, then they'll end up listening to the bad music!!! so i think the best solution would be just to throw them away..
also one thing my FOC once told us was that listening to those kinds of things make u hyper etc. it makes u tense and jumpy, and you can't sit still. It doesn't make you patient, and we should want to be patient like Jesus was... and ya know whatever happened to that old saying, wwjd? I mean think about it, i don't think Jesus would have approved of all the trashy kind of music around today.
also it says in 1 Corinthians 6:12:
All things are lawful for me, but all things are not helpful. All things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any.
1 Corinthians 10:31:
Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.
so just keep in mind, is listening and watching these kind of music/shows beneficial to me or bringing glory to God? if not, don't do it.
hope this helped!!
God bless u!
i kept thinking about it
didnt make sense at all
Sin is the seperation from Christ, and when you listen or watch something "bad" you are seperating yourself from christ. So if that's the case then Watching or listening to "bad" things is sinning.
If u got a "bad" movie or "bad" music Cd on my Birthday then u could maybe sell it and give the money as donation to the church or you can (like hos Erof said) just give it to another friend who wants it.
i hope this helps
hope that helps and makes sense
sis in Christ, makook
wen u r listenin 2 bad music, will jesus b there aswel?
but wen ur listenin 2 hymns- jesus is there
wen ur watchin saint movies- jesus is there
so its up 2 u :D