Hamset Hob

edited December 1969 in Random Issues
hi guys, i was listenin to this fantastic spritual song.
It was one of Pope Shenouda's poems (Hamset Hob) sung by one of the servants. I heard this on da net, but couldnt find the words to it so i can sing along or follow up with it. so I was wondering if anyone knows were i can find it or if he/she can pass it on to me. thnx

by da way if anyone wants to listen to it this is how:

1) www.angelmichael.org
2) click on audio located on da left hand side of da screen
3) click on spritual songs
4) then click on Dr.Faesel fouad
5) click on hamset hob first on the left hand coloumn.

there is also other spritual songs if anyone wants to check em out.

take care


  • barabas is AMAZING too... lol... I love faysal... he is awsome... but something you can do is write the words by yourself, of if you can read arabic... I think the pope wrote it in a book.
  • You can find the text to most of the Pope's Poems in the back of the Arabic version of his first book "The release of the Spirit"

    Also, it has been published in many song books.

    thought this might help.

    I think all his poems are Amazing, but there are these two that I think are phenominal:
    My Friend (Ya Sadeky)
    Soujrner (7'areeban)

    In the first (My friend, there is a part that goes

    Lasto adree kaifa namdi ao mata Koll ma addreih an Sof namdi
    Fe tarik elmaout nagree kolona Fe sebaken ba3dana fe ethr ba3den
    Ka bo7'aren modemkehlen 3omrona Methlo barken Sof yamdi methl wamden

    Or in English (and I am not doing it justice in translation"

    I don't know when we will be gone All that I am sure of is that we will go
    We are running down the road to death We are racing each other there
    Our life is like a puff of somoke Like lightning will go just like a flash

    As I said, all his poems are Amazing, but that part made me think

    "HOW TRUE"
  • Hello pope Kyrollos

    The words of the poem of H.H. "Lamset Hob "
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  • thnx so much Safaa and thnx to everyone also.
  • You are most welcome, any thing you want, just ask and the wonderful people of this marvellous site will help.
  • cool safaa! ;D
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