well i think that its much easier to learn alhan when sitting with a person and having that person repeat it over and over, and thats pretty much what cantor Gad is doing. I've been trying to learn the [coptic]Kurie `eleycon[/coptic] from Cantor Ibrahim Ayad for a very long time, and it was very difficult for me, but i heard it a few times from Cantor Gad and it helped. So i think its just easier when the alhan are given in the form of a lesson rather then just the lahn.
I have to admit that the last lesson added for [coptic]`N;wten De[/coptic] is REALLLY good, but i'm also wondering if you guys have a lesson for [coptic]Nirwmi[/coptic] also.
George Mekhaiel
http://tasbeha.org/mp3/Hymns/Fasts/Great_Lent/Ibrahim_Ayad/Great Lent - Weekday Matins.html
i hope this helps.