Hey guys, I’m new here. I wanted to know if somebody can help me find some hymns for the literguy, preferably similar to the way hymns are said in the United States Southern Dioceses.
I have been on the soscopts.org and It really does not help. Most of the stuff is in Arabic instead of arabic.
I know the basic literguy responses and stuff but I dont know any of the special occasion hymns and stuff.
If you want to download then just right click and then press save target as, or if you don't feel comfortable doing that just go to the right under coptic hymns/media and go to downloadable hymns.
Hope that helps.
Where can i find the midnight praises online with the southern discoses way in English? The ones on the sites above were different than how Bishop Youssef does it.
this is the midnight praises bye anba yousif and another about with him : http://coptichymns.net/modules.php?op=modload&name=Downloadable&file=index&q=f&f=/Praises_(Tasbeha)/Midnight_Praises/Coptic_and_English_Midnight_Praise_by_HG_Bishop_Youssef_and_Fr_Anastasi_Ava_Antoni