I go to a catholic highschool and every once in a while a preist would come in and perform a mass in the gym. This one time i really paid attention to what the priest was doing. Like us the catholics believe that the bread and blood is actually converted into the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. But what I saw really shocked me. Everyone had finished taking the body and blood and now the preist was holding the rest of the blood and he drank it all infront of everyone...what shocked me was the immediatly after he drank it he took a little napkin and WIPPED the rest of the blood inside the cup. Without adding water to make sure he got every little bit of blood he just drank it and wipped it. In my mind I could not believe what I had just seen, all i could think about is "well what are they going to do with the napkin, surely some of the blood got absorbed onto it. Than i just saw him give the cup and the napkin to 2 of the alter servers and they walked away and the mass was finished.
when I eat some fruit with a seed and spit the fruit out of my mouth have I really done something wrong?
The only thing that the Coptic Church is missing is one of two things:
a) a better microphone / speaker system
b) more training for the choir(s) so they sing together.
That's it basically. Every catholic i've spoken to LOVES to fool himself in thinking that they are so much like us. When i tell them that i'm Coptic Orthodox, they say :"..yes, yes,. we are all one Church, the Catholic and the Orthodox are the two lungs in the body of Christ".
Not a fair analogy to be equal to a Church that disrespects spiritual tradition, and also the Holy Eucharist. Somewhere, we must get more browny points for being Coptic.. cos its just not fair to share Heaven with people that think adultary is OK so long as u don't feel bad about it....
Just as a point In the Catholic Church thre only time I ever saw anyone ( other than the Priest)partaking of the Blood of Christ was the Bride and Groom on their wedding day!!!
I was 20 odd years a Catholic and Never had the Blood of Christ
However, what's strange is that the wafers which are distributed to the people DO NOT come from the big wafer the priest prays on in consecrating it to be the Holy Body.
He prays on the small round wafers PLUS the big wafer (of which he and the other priests eat).
Words fail me actually !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi - Your experience in the French R.C Church must be a " French thing" !!!!! At least in Ireland it does not happen - no Blood is offered ever.
Another reason to become Orthodox - don't u agree?
God Bless
Please forgive me and pray for me,
if this is waht u all see and realise the error why not remember them in prayer and hold fasts that they may come to the right path. doesnot neccssarily mean converting to orthodoxy. they can learn to hold fast these traditions again if their eyes open up. i kknow it wouldnt be our place to correct them but prayer and fasting is something we can definitely do and leave it to God to give us a chance to if it possible to present these these important church rites.
please pray for each other and forgivness for ingorance of th foolish and weak.
1. The Magisterium of Church teaches about real presence of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, in Holy Eucharist, so the liturgic rules are created as the consequence to this faith. Just read Vatican's documents about it, to know, what should be like the celebration of Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. And if priests don't obey, it's not the fault of the Church, but of those priests. They have quite clear comandments.
2. Vassilios - beware of the microphones! They just kill the sound on the liturgy! How I hate them! Churches should be built according to the rules of acoustics, like in the past, and that's all.
3. Godhelpme3691 - situations like that one you have told us about are not Church's fault. Doctrine and liturgic rules are quite clear, as I told. But what particular priests do with it - it's another problem. I'm living in Poland and here there are no situations like this - but on the West, there are many ignorant, even heretic prisests, as I see. But what they do it's only their problem - their sins. Not Church's fault.
4. Geraldine - we, Catholics, believe that even under one species is truly recieved whole and entire. That's why we don't recieve the Eucharist under the species of wine - the Church, with it's authority to teach the doctrine and institute the rules of administration of Sacraments, tells, that we recieve whole and entire Christ under species of bread.
It is sad to see a general lack of respect for the our Lord's pure Body and Precious Blood, but we need to be an example to them, and when opportunites arise, we need to educate them as to proper respect for our King, Lord, and God. Many Latins just have no idea anymore.
In Christ,
And that's what is the role of Eastern Catholics in this time - to show the Latin 'Catholics' (not Catholics, because Catholics actually believe in that; if not, they're not excomunicated, because of the anathemas of Council of Trent) that Christ is truly present in Holy Eucharist. To preach the Gospel to the pseudo-Catholics without using too many words. (Nota bene - not to Latin Church, because it believes in the doctrine of transsubstantiation, but to those, who think they are a part of Church, but in fact they're not.)
Because the Catholic Church has really taken on Christ's call to spread the Gospel to all four corners of the earth
Catholicism did not spread to the four corners of the world because it wished to "spread the Gospel." It is the product of Spanish, Portugese and French (among others) colonial efforts, which were purely political.
That's not a citicism of Catholicism, but simply the reality of its worldwide presence.
Seriously, don’t post anymore of your friend’s responses unless he is willing to come onto this website and post himself, okay? We can’t keep dialoguing through a mediator (i.e. yourself); that’s just ridiculous. What kind of stupid argument is that? And the Roman Catholics, of which your friend is a member, are historically considered heretics for holding on to the Nestorian heresy.
Instead of observing historical polemics, how about your friend give evidence that we actually ever were heretics and that we actually ever did hold on to a “monophysite heresy”. Because the Council of Chalcedon is not “one of the early great ecumenical councils”. That’s certainly not what he may believe, but for him to presume his belief to be standard truth and to then draw conclusions flowing from that presumed belief, concerning us, whilst posing those conclusions to one of us to accept, is utter absurdity. That sounds like some wild reading into some of the comments made. If anyone has suggested any relationship between the “invalidity” of Catholic Sacraments and the corrupt practices of Catholic priests, it regards the latter being a symptom of the former, not the former being a cause of the latter. In any event, I have not found anyone making any such statement to the effect your friend presumes. Donatism is explicitly repudiated in Coptic theological works. Your friend is really desperate now. See comment above. Additionally, I see no-one here speaking about the moral purity of clergy; they are discussing abusive Liturgical praxis within the RCC. I can provide a whole list of such abusive Liturgical praxis; the problem is that such abuses are not random slip-ups, but they occur commonly within the RCC. I wander if your friend has heard of the famous “clown mass”. The problem is not human weakness, it is a problem sourced in the RCC’s liberalism and its disregard for the maintenance of Church Tradition. He goes on to list a range of issues pertinent to the Eastern Orthodox Church which have absolutely nothing to do with us (the Coptic Orthodox Church of the Oriental Orthodox Communion). I would attempt to respond on behalf of our EO brothers nonetheless but I am simply not learned enough in the various issues of their religious and political history and praxis that your friend attempts to use as examples to make his case. What, for the life of me, does observing the polemics of one against another, prove against that other? He refers to the outside perception of us by “hard-shell Greeks and Russians”. Allow me to bring to his attention the fact that the Greek Orthodox Church of Alexandria (i.e. we are now speaking of actual authorities of the Greek Church—the Synod of Alexandria) has formally acknowledged the Orthodoxy of our Church, as have many other Synods within the EO Communion. Furthermore, many professors and theologians, particularly of the Russian Orthodox Church, have also reached that conclusion.
Nevertheless, the issue of concern here is not a) what do people think we believe, but rather b) what do we actually believe. So unless your friend can prove us to be “Monophysite heretics” (a thing which his Church, pursuant to the signed agreement between H.H. Pope Shenouda III and Pope John Paul II, denies), then he has no real case against us.
Could you please take ALL the topics discussed by our dear friend Barcardi and either defend/agree with him? I have had complaints that you only take certain amounts of the text and comment on them... and thats fine...
Except, this topic has really become fragile and I think it would benefit me, as well as the local coptic and catholic community, if you could perhaps clear up all of the issues discussed. Also, if possible, could you please cite sources? I know this is asking alot, but I just want to end this bickering once and for all with a good, hard, solid piece of literature written by the Great Iqbal.
Thanks :)
If he wants to accuse me of evading any relevant argument let him come on here and point out which one. Cite sources for what? If I have made an assertion of fact that he feels the need for me to validate with appeal to other sources, let him come on and point that out too.