How do u deal with people in school? people who pressure u and u hav no friends.

edited December 1969 in Personal Issues
i go 2 a skool with manii bad kids.
i cant switch skools tight now and i m in danger.
dey smoke, drink, take drugs, and every1 is boy friend and girl friend.
knowing i m a christian.... i obvieslii cannot do these things... and i m proud not 2.
help me
giv me advice
wat do i do?
my brother is also geting pressured
wE R In PeEr PrEsUre
my brother goes 2 skool wer vry1 wants 2 fight em.
wat should he doo??
giv us advice pleez


  • I hope someone else replys too to add something or correct me

    I think if you think they might influence you then you should seperate yourself from them but not with pride thinking you are better than then.. try not to judge them.. yeah at the moment they are living a bad life and David did in the old testament call some people wicked but they might change and they might work harder for God one day if they change.. atleast harder than me.. I have done very few good deeds..

    (I fall into the sin of judging at times)

    they were not brought up orthodox and they have received less light than you maybe..

    and you also have your own sins that you need to be sorry for

    Now is a time for testing and an opportunity to get closer to God by meditating on His word.. not just to avoid sin but to have nice friendship with God.

    the word of God and holy communion are a good help against sin

    Know that

    1 Corinthians 10:13 (King James Version)

    13There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.

    From corinthians 10:13;&version=9;

    But you need to associate with them to some degree ... if some see you humble about your own sins they will not hate to associate with you for work stuff. I think you can even go out to lunch with some people who respect your free will and do not try to stumble you often.. they might swear sometimes but not often.

    also you should not make a friendship with someone that is going to be hard to break in the future.. do not be unequally yoked with them

    Be friends with godly people outside of school..


    Someone might be offended or something by who this response comes from.. a confused person from my other posts..
  • okay honestly, believe me i can understand where you are coming from...and from experience and advice that i have gotten, you just need to stay strong. don't let them bring you down.
    look, if you have to talk with them for school work or something than you have to, but don't drag yourself down to doing the sins you know you shouldn't do. i'm not trying to be judgemental but don't hang out with people who do the wrong things alot because whether we think we're strong enough, they're wrong doings will rub off on us. so stay strong in your prayers and your faith and don't worry.
    it's not that you don't have friends, God is everywhere, and your ultimate friend.
    as for your brother, make sure he doesn't provoke any fights. tell him to try to stay as safe as possible...and have him stay strong in his prayers. the saints and angels will surround him and keep him safe as long as he is not provoking it.

    school is for your advantage, for you to gain an education and make a future for yourself. don't let that change because of the bad surroundings. God will never put you in a situation that He doesn't think you will be able to handle.

    hope i helped. even a little...

    Pray for me.
  • well, if u really luve the lord then u should say no all time to all bad things. i no its hard and stuff. but think if u do it. u are re crucifying jesus.

    i understand u are trying to get away from thse temptations. if they are your frends make them understand and tell them i cant do whatever it is. talk to ur father in confession and pray to god a lot.

    i hope this helps.
  • hello.

    I think u are in a very difficult situation but like SahSooRah said, God will neva put u in a situation that u can not handle and by the end u will be stronger then eva.

    In the bible it says "You are the light of the world"
    which (i think) means that ppl will follow ur example and u are the "light" that shows ppl christianity.
    I guess u need to pray and ask for courage and strength.

    I really dont think that u dont talk to some1 because they swear or smoke. i believe u can be friends with any1 u like as long as u dont follow them into doin that stuff, if they are ur friends they will respect u when u say i dont want to smoke etc.

    Maybe one day they will stop and think about ur faith and they become more like u. it mite not happen in a week or two, it mite happen after 20yrs after u leave skool, who knows.

    But u have to be very careful because it also says in the bible something like if u hang out with sinners it is very easy to become a sinner. so choose ur friends wisely and ask God to send u someone.

    Also one last thing, is neva neva judge any1 if some1 swears or does anything u think is wrong dont tell them that they are wrong. The last thing any1 wants to hear is that they are wrong especially a teenager and even some1 who has no religion at all knows right from wrong so they dont need to be reminded. u need to accept them for who they are and pray for there forgiveness.
  • WWJD

    what would jesus do?

    Think about this and you will be guided in your problems.
  • but jesus is more stronger and he could sit with sinners for a very long time without being influenced

  • Posted by: mikeforjesus Posted on: January 21, 2007, 12:16:51 AM
    I hope someone else replys too to add something or correct me

    I think if you think they might influence you then you should seperate yourself from them but not with pride thinking you are better than then.. try not to judge them.. yeah at the moment they are living a bad life and David did in the old testament call some people wicked but they might change and they might work harder for God one day if they change.. atleast harder than me.. I have done very few good deeds..

    (I fall into the sin of judging at times)

    they were not brought up orthodox and they have received less light than you maybe..

    and you also have your own sins that you need to be sorry for

    Now is a time for testing and an opportunity to get closer to God by meditating on His word.. not just to avoid sin but to have nice friendship with God.

    the word of God and holy communion are a good help against sin

    Know that

    1 Corinthians 10:13 (King James Version)

    13There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.

    From***age/?search=1 corinthians 10:13;&version=9;

    But you need to ***ociate with them to some degree ... if some see you humble about your own sins they will not hate to ***ociate with you for work stuff. I think you can even go out to lunch with some people who respect your free will and do not try to stumble you often.. they might swear sometimes but not often.

    also you should not make a friendship with someone that is going to be hard to break in the future.. do not be unequally yoked with them

    Be friends with godly people outside of school..


    Someone might be offended or something by who this response comes from.. a confused person from my other posts..

    Well your wisdom came through this time ;) . Great Post !

    i believe u can be friends with any1 u like as long as u dont follow them into doin that stuff, if they are ur friends they will respect u when u say i dont want to smoke etc.

    Sorry drumaboy can't agree with you there... At a young age people are very strongly influenced by what goes on around them.. If you choose to be around people who do the wrong this you are not only disobeying God but also making yourself vulneralble to all kinds of things. Things like swearing are so easy to pick up when you hear it all the time, especially if it's a friend. You will eventually find that you start cursing in your mind when upset or angry and soon enough you'll swear out loud. Same goes for a lot of other things.

    Just keep this in mind, God put you in this situation for a reason... your job is to find out what that is. If you feel brave enough maybe you can confront people who do the wrong thing.. if you get the chance.

    You don't really need friends.. of course you need someone to talk to but yu seem pretty close to your brother and may be you can try making some friends at church.. you'll find that they're truly the friends you'll keep for life. And of course there's your number one councelor, JEsus :D.

    You're not alone in this, trust me. We were all put on the Earth surrounded by sin and temptation. The situation you're in isn't any less common, many coptic orthodox people suffer at school.. God just trusts you guys a little more, that's all. We're not meant to fit in.. We're meant to stand out. We have to shine, like drumaboy said, we are the light of the Earth. It's our job to help other people see clearly. Sometimes that just means staying out of everyone elses business and doing the right thing, other times it takes some interferrence.

    As for your brother, tell Him to think of Jesus everytime someone picks a fight. Jesus was killed by His children. He didn't once try to fight back. Just think, how much strength would that take. Being humble isn't about being weak, that's just being scared. Being Humble is about having the strength and power to walk away. That takes much more than muscles.

    Sorry about my unstructured advice hope you understand it and come out with something helpful.
  • i agree all the way with hizz child
  • i got nothin to add, everybody got great things to say that will help you. just one little thing is that if you thing you are about to fall into sin or you cant handel it anymore just cross yourself and say jesus christ help me.. and he will. and dont worry he loves you and he will take care of you.. like the simple quote.. "smile, Jesus loves you!"
  • with jesus, sinners wont influence you
  • thanku 4 al the advices
    rabena ma3akom kolokom
    we enti ya mahraeel
  • thank uuuu... you can explain more if u want later. about this topic i meant.

    pray 4 me all, sister in christ
  • we all get pressured and made of them. anyone ever made fun of u cuz u go to church a lot. well thats kind alke persecuting. but always pray to god that theyyll leave u alone. he will guard u.
  • Read your Beatitudes :D:D:D.
  • Well here is a lesson we had on peer pressure.. i dunno.. might come in handy i gess..

    Definition of peer: some one you look up to, equal in age or ability.

    What is peer pressure? Influence on you for something you wouldn’t do or stop you from doing the things you want to do for example. Drugs, smoking, choice of friends, grades, fashion, attitude, behaviour etc.

    Good things you might get pressured on is church but for now we will talk about the negative side.

    Where does peer pressure take place? At schools, church, anywhere you are

    Facts: + peer pressure isn’t new. It was back in the Bible times e.g. Samson and Delilah
    + The red fern riots happened because of peer pressure
    + Everyone is entitled to freedom of thought and speech

    a good saying about the choice of friends- tell me who your friends are ad ill tell you who you are.

    It is very very easy to fall into the trap of peer pressure, it’s very hard to say no to it for example it might be hard to say no to popular girls etc. or in some cases you have to do it or you will get into trouble from teachers etc.

    Also you might fall into peer pressure because you might get a bad reputation and then its hard to make other friends

    There is a difference between friends and acquaintances, friends are the people you hang out with and acquaintances are the people you just say hi and bye to.

    If you say no to peer pressure you would likely earn respect than get teased because if you didn’t do anything in Gods eyes your reputation will be ok and you shouldn’t worry unless your blinded by sin its not ok

    Peer pressure in the Bible is called temptation or tribulations and as Christians we are proned to it as the devil tries to tempt us and move us away from God instead of the devil wasting his time going to the non-Christians as they are already going into the wrong direction.
    John 16:33- it is saying that we are proned to it by living in the world and therefore because we are not of this world there will be more temptations.
    We all must learn to act differently; “don’t conform, be transformed” Romans 12:2, Ephesians 4:22-24 also don’t be a sheep rather be a leader and LEARN TO SAY NO!!!!!!!!!!!!

    In the Bible people who had experienced peer pressure are Noah, Joseph, Job, Abraham.

    What do we do to say no? you have to build up your confidence, have a strong personality/faith, think WWJD? And think of the commandments as well, keep your peace while you are saying no, prevent it as much as you can i.e. don’t throw yourself in front of bullets by going to a party that you know there are wrong things there such as alcohol and drugs but you know that you wont do it, you never know so you better off not going, stand up to what you believe in.

    If you are under peer pressure you MUST tell someone whether it’s a friend or a priest, servant. Note: you must always tell your father of confession.

    Don’t be the pressurer and always say NO!!

    Psalm 1 “Blessed is the man who refuses the advice of the evil men, but instead he enjoys reading the law of the Lord and studies it day and night……”

    Everything you do should be holy and godly, don’t walk, sit, stand with bad people

    1 Corinthians 10:13- God does not place temptation on you more than you can handle.

    John 16:33- in the world you will have tribulations and will b troubled, but don’t worry because God will be with you always because He has overcome the world.

    hope you got something out of it :)
  • [move]thanx[/move]


  • my brother took the advice 2
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