Hi Everyone,
This is kind of an odd question, so forgive me if I disrupt the forums. My mom made a hair appointment for me on good friday evening and I told my mom that I am not under any circumstances getting my hair done on ANY day in Holy week because I want to focus on God and not worldy things. My mom and sister think I'm being unreasonable and trying to disrupt their plans. I really don't care about getting my hair done at all... Was I wrong to veto the appointment, was it disrespectful... Or is it correct to focus on GOD during Holy Week?
Especially good Friday, you can't ruin such an amazing day by worrying about your hair appointment...
I commend you for doing that... I know it's not easy! why don't you try to negotiate with them? Maybe you could all get your hair done on Saturday morning...
Well put, and I agree 100%.