I have sinned with a hugely bad deed i have stolen a bike well not exactly heres the story need your prayer i need help telling the guy
It started out i had a soccer game with my friends they toke their bikes and locked it up but with a lock that required a key and they lost the key so they toke it over to 1 of my friends house to cut it it didnt work so they left it there trust my friend than my friend told me do you want to steal it and lie and he tricked me into it with stuff like rember all the times he swore at you punched you made you cry so i did it now listen to this all i did to my friends bike that he left was throw 3 bricks at it which dented the middle part and some stuff in the wires but it was still good you could have still rode it my friend dismantled it threw away all over the city now listen
How can i tell my friend that i stole his bike Cause hes chaldean and he WILL BEAT ME UP i m thinking i should pay him 50$ for the damage i did because i didnt that much but im scared cause i know he will beat me up hard.. please pray for me Markos
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May God be with you
Plz pray for me
For help with confession see these threads:
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I have sinned with a hugely bad deed i have stolen a bike well not exactly heres the story need your prayer i need help telling the guy
It started out i had a soccer game with my friends they toke their bikes and locked it up but with a lock that required a key and they lost the key so they toke it over to 1 of my friends house to cut it it didnt work so they left it there trust my friend than my friend told me do you want to steal it and lie and he tricked me into it with stuff like rember all the times he swore at you punched you made you cry so i did it now listen to this all i did to my friends bike that he left was throw 3 bricks at it which dented the middle part and some stuff in the wires but it was still good you could have still rode it my friend dismantled it threw away all over the city now listen
How can i tell my friend that i stole his bike Cause hes chaldean and he WILL BEAT ME UP i m thinking i should pay him 50$ for the damage i did because i didnt that much but im scared cause i know he will beat me up hard.. please pray for me Markos
reply something that helps
You must return the bike to your friend.
If he's going to beat u up, then just return it - quickly.
Then, as joe suggested, u must confess this. Its a sin. Now, u obviously feel bad about what u did, and i'm sure u will never do it again.
That's great. :)
Yeah.. vengence isn't good. If we don't steal someone's bike to get back on them, we say something instead that's just as hurtful. It amounts to the same.
That's wrong.
But i admit that I'm quite impressed by your attitude. I really hope that God blesses us with the same, and that we can try to repent for our sins and put what we've done right.
We must love our enemies. To this aim someone needs to inform 'the bully' that his evil ways are leading him to a path of destruction; look his bike has already been destroyed. Maybe he will harm the wrong person one day, someone not Christian and compassionate and not just an inanimate bike will be destroyed!
no advice can help you but this... FIND NEW PEOPLE TO CALL FRIENDS!!!!
You already took step one of repenting by known your sin and that you did a whole topic with the title of " I am a sinner who needs Support"
and no one will touch you or beat you up. say the truth and think of a way of repaying him. put yourself in his shoes and think of what you would want in return.
and if you still afraid of a beating. PRAY and pray that no fight will break out and really not one of your hairs will be touched.
"La Takhaf Lanii Ma3ak" - "Do not be afraid, for I Am with You"