i dont know if i should say maybe a sacrament of engagement but i think it doesnt exists ( ? ) in egypt before marriage we need to engage in the paper with ceremony in the church or just with a priest, i dont know exactly how it will look like yet, but i wonder if anyone have any link or text in english of what is said during this ceremony if there is anything beeing said normally. thank you in advance.
i dont know if i should say maybe a sacrament of engagement but i think it doesnt exists ( ? ) in egypt before marriage we need to engage in the paper with ceremony in the church or just with a priest, i dont know exactly how it will look like yet, but i wonder if anyone have any link or text in english of what is said during this ceremony if there is anything beeing said normally. thank you in advance.
- the service in church start with ep-oro or shere ne maria in the zaffa,
- then the declartion of the engagment, same 3 signings in weddings, 3 amens and 3 our father,
- thanksgiving prayer,
- Khenefran
- and then there is a prayer that is read by the priest at the end,
- then service ends as usual.
thank you for the asnwer, but what are: ep-oro or shere ne maria in the zaffa & Khenefran?
Eporo and/or Shere ne Maria are the normal hymns that said in the zaffa in weedings. weeding rite is here: http://tasbeha.org/hymn_library/cat/235
khen efran is the blessing hymn, "In the name of the Father..." the famous glorifiction hymn that is also said in weddings when the couples are fully married after the crowns prayers.