Hi Everyone!
I've spent all day today looking for a certain picture of Jesus, but I haven't found a clear/ sharp one yet so i was wondering if you could help me out.
if you go to the following link, at the very beginning (t=0-4sec), theres the pic that i want! It`s the one with Jesus facing forward.
If anyone has any other pictures of Jesus (close up of His Face), I would love that!!
Thanks! God Bless
? is this good? sorry if i didnt help
try those! btw way, all you have to do is google "Jesus" or "Jesus Face"
Hope you like them!
if i don't end up finding the one i want, Hezekiel, I think I'll use the first of your pictures as my second choice. I love how Jesus is smiling in that one... it makes me smile too!
Thanks again to everyone who tried to help. If anyone does find it, please let me know!
God bless
I checked the youtube again and came up with some great info's. There is something with this portrait of Jesus that captures the heart of the viewer. The name of the artist is Bettey Myers and the link below explains the story behind the painting. Whether her story is true or not, I will buy an oversized poster and hang it at home. Thanks for persisting on this particular picture of the Lord, you made me a fan of it.
The portait is called 'The Masterpiece".
Also,there are so many great portraits here: http://picturesofjesus4you.com/gallery1portraits.html
Here are 2 samples that are somewhat of good resolution:
God Bless
Wow... Hezekiel! Thank you soo much! That's exactly what i needed... I can't wait to show it to my friend so she can get started on the painting!!
God Bless
You are most welcome. If possible, don't forget to share the painting once it is finished.
Dear friends,
Don't say that you are skeptic but how can we be sure if this is the true face of Jesus?
Who is this person who painted it? is the person even Orthodox?
I am sorry but I wish there is a way we could prove this to be true. Is there any saint in the Orthodox Church that has seen the true face of Jesus even in a dream or vision?
But it is always extremely privileged to see the image of the true face of our God, Jesus.
May God be with us all with His holiest mother, holy angels, saints. Amen!!!
God bless
Please watch this and tell me what you think..
God bless
I just watched the clip and it is nothing short of a wonder.I can not not draw a rat,let alone produce wonderful paintings like the girl. Now, I will be honest here.If that girl was Orthodox ,I would not have trouble believing that her works were all devinely inspired.I would beleive every word she would say without further analysing, cos I believe in Miracles.But she is not orthodox and dismissing her claims as untrue would make me unfair and perhaps even fanatic. So,how do I be fair? The girl grew up in an atheist household ,therefore, I think there is something inexplicable about her talents. Devinely inspired? Well,why not? The ways of the Lord are mysterious!
and G.B.All
Umm what does your post have to do with this topic? They are talking about a Picture of Jesus and a girl with an amazing talent. did you post this in the wrong topic?
lol i was wondering the same thing