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  • thank you Hos Erof. Makes sense.
  • Thank You Kindly.
  • Through life we are given a chance to share God's love. Before the creation God had love in the trinity. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit loved each other. By creating us, life, we are given a chance to experience and share this love. We are…
  • What really has to be understood is that this type of singing is really a type of prayer. You have to understand that hymnology has its spiritualness just as much as any other type of prayer. It may not be your preference of prayer, but you will be …
  • we need to speed up the passing of this hymn...
  • what tune is it in? OOh i want it
  • If your knowledge, and your philosophy, and your ideas inspired me to write a book, are the words mine or yours? For instance, when Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration was he writing his words or the words of John Locke? The bible is the word of …
  • This type of thinking and philosophy is not easy. It takes an effort to see the wonders of the world in connection with the creator. You can not just easily look at something and say that it is a wonder of God. You have to contemplate on all aspects…
  • i agree with you 100% thanks for your insight
  • The book of Philippians has answers to all of this trash. I suggest you read it and contemplate on the verses that show that God loves us and that we really have the ability to work for salvation. Ph 2:12-13, Ph 3:14 As for this nutcase........i thi…
  • I heard that the second coming is near when the jews build a new alter in Jerusalem and their sacrifice is not accepted. Also Elijah and Anoch have to come. Even though many disasters are happening (part of the prophecy of the second coming) I belie…
  • There was no pain 1. Jesus likes to walk through doors we say it in alot of places. Ezekial said the door remained shut and yet He still passed through. 2. Someone brought up that he didn't need to push the stone to get out of the tomb 3. Doctors ar…
  • Philippians 2:12-13 " out your own salvation in fear and trembling:13 for God is at work in you both to will and to work for his good pleasure." Do the logical to get to heaven Submit your will to God for that is the beggining…
  • Will it go against our concept of salvation if St. Mary gave birth with pain? What would it theologically mean if she gave birth with pain?