What is the purpose of Vespers

I am coming from a non-denominational Christian background.

I've been in contact with the local priest about converting and Vespers is tonight. What is the purpose of Vespers? What is Vespers? And should I attend Vespers since I am someone who wants to become a Coptic Orthodox Christian?


  • Vespers refers only to a specific time in the day. Our liturgical day follows the Jewish tradition in which you have 12 night hours and 12 day hours in the day. So in the Agpeya, whenever it says the 3rd hour, we really mean 9 am (6 hours diff). Matins=morning hour/6am/sunrise, vespers=11th hour/sunset. When we say vespers or matins services, we really mean Raising of Incense of Matins or Raising of Incense of Vespers...which is a service of raising of incense of that specific time of day. So vespers raising of incense is done the eve of liturgy, matins is done before the liturgy (the next day) or right after the midnight praise (which is mostly done at dawn in monastery while churches would do it simply the eve of the liturgy (after vespers raising of incense).

    In general, many of our liturgical services are rooted in the jewish tradition, with its timing and services. Slowly you'll get to see how everything fits. 
  • attend church a lot.
    ask lots of questions (after the service).
    and welcome!
    (previous protestant)
  • how did it go?
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